Cade & Dominique King
“It’s not one thing that gets
you to Diamond, it’s all the
little things. Just be consistent
in doing them.”
Abundantly Full
ominique King had been in a previous
business with Peggy Smith and Kristi
Zastrow that she participated in more as
a hobby. When that business went under,
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YOURSELF. “I get really OK
with not being OK. I try not
to be too hard on myself. If
I don’t get one thing done,
then there will be another
thing that I do get done.
As long as I’m getting
something done, I’m moving
forward and I’m hanging
officially only work two
days a week, so I can’t get
everything that I want to do
done. I just fit it all into the
cracks. I make my to-do list
and I never give up working
on it, even if things don’t go
my way or I don’t make all
my goals.” DO WHAT YOU LOVE.
“You’ll find things that you
love and that fill you up, then
you’ll find the things that
aren’t easy for you. You can
either find a team member
that’s good at those things
or you can consider hiring
someone for help.” HAVE REALISTIC
“You can’t compare yourself
to people who gave up their
life to make this a yearlong
commitment to work their
tails off if you can’t do that
or don’t want to. That’s still
OK. You just can’t expect
the same results when
you’re not making the same
commitment—but you can
still expect results.”
both Peggy and Kristi got involved with
dōTERRA. Kristi signed Dominique up and
sent her a kit. That kit sat on Dominique’s
counter for a long time. She gradually
started sharing the essential oils she had
with others, and was amazed when people
kept coming back for more.
Finally, Kristi invited Dominique to come
with her on a trip she had won to Mexico—
if she also went with her to the dōTERRA
convention. Dominique went and was
impressed with how well the owners were
able to answer the questions that she had.
worked this business full time, but God like a lofty goal. She says, “Now I really plane, she is now able to work with a
has blessed me even without that.” believe they’re going to accomplish that. successful team of great people. She
This year when I got to actually go down says, “Sometimes I can’t believe that this
that carpet, I realized that dreams do is even my job. Where else can you work
come true. I didn’t even realize that I with people that you love and that have
was putting that idea out there and now the same passion and goals as you?
it’s a reality.” It’s pretty exciting. I love my team, and I
Dominique used to joke with her kids
that one day she would be Diamond
and they would walk down the carpet
with her, and they would all laugh. She
also remembers attending her first
convention and hearing the owners say She is still amazed that though she
they wanted to one day be a household started out in a small town on an island
name, and she thought that seemed in Alaska, only accessible by boat or
couldn’t do it without their support.” She
is grateful to be living her passion and
be a part of a vision for empowering and
lifting people to be their best.
She says, “After being at that conference,
I realized I was all in, because of the answers
that I got about where the company was
going, what their vision for it was, and also
because of the things that I learned about
the power of the essential oils.”
That convention created a passion inside
of Dominique, and gradually she got more
and more involved in growing a team and
a business. As a homeschooling mom and
a pastor’s wife, Dominique always wanted
to make sure that God and family came
first. She learned how to fit her dōTERRA
business into the cracks in her life. She
says, “I have to be really intentional. I think
sometimes people get discouraged because
they think they have to have it all together
or be working full time to do this. I’ve never
“There’s always
going to be some
down times. Your job
is to not give up.
If you can persevere
through all that, then
you’re going to be