“Don’t ever turn anyone away. It’s all about volume. It doesn’t matter
how it comes in, it just needs to be there with as many people as it takes.” –Brad
Brad & Darci Richardson
arci Richardson was introduced to
dōTERRA by her midwife mentor,
Stephanie Fritz, who is now a Diamond.
Darci wasn’t that interested, but she
felt obligated to enroll for the sake of
her mentor. She proceeded to have
several incredible experiences using the
essential oils on her family, and started
sharing them with everyone.
Her husband, Brad, was soon
exasperated by the amount of oils she
was giving away. Darci says, “That’s just
who I am. I want to heal the world. I
had people coming to my house at
10 PM asking for more.” Many people
she shared with didn’t even know
that there was a business aspect of
dōTERRA, because Darci didn’t pay
attention to that. She just wanted
everyone to have the oils. Finally, Brad
declared they weren’t going to be losing