Nathan & Mindy Spradlin
indy Spradiln’s sister, Mary
Crimmins, is also a Diamond
and signed Mindy up for dōTERRA as a
Christmas present two years ago. Mindy
BE INTENTIONAL. “Especially if you’re a mom that’s home a lot with your kids and not out
there interacting with people on a daily basis, you have to be very intentional about connecting
with people.”
UTILIZE SOCIAL MEDIA. “It’s free and easy to connect with a lot of people in a short amount of time.
Educate yourself on social media and know what the options are. Know how to effectively use them.
You can learn about it right from your couch.”
TAKE ACTION. “I hear people talk about the things they want to do, the people they want to reach
out to, and the events they want to have. The rubber has to meet the road. Be willing to take action
and actually do the things you want to do.”
IGNORE WHAT PEOPLE THINK. “I knew that there were going to be people that were going to think
what I was doing was stupid. I had to come to the realization that I didn’t care. I was changing my life
and helping my family and if people thought it was dumb, then so be it.”
didn’t know Mary was signing her up, and
she didn’t know anything about essential
oils. When the need arose within her
family, she found them to be effective and
from there she wanted to learn more. Her
sister was already enthusiastic about the
business aspect of dōTERRA, but Mindy
wasn’t interested. She says, “I didn’t have
time. I was a stay-at-home mom of four, I
ran another business out of my home, and
my husband was in paramedic school and
working two jobs.” Though they were in
financial need, Mindy didn’t see dōTERRA
as the solution.
After a few months of using and casually
sharing the oils, Mindy agreed to hold
a class, which was successful enough
to cause her to reevaluate the business
opportunity. She says, “I knew people
wanted the oils and wanted to share them
with their friends, so I thought I might as
well make money off of it. From that point
“I love running my own business, and it’s great to
realize I can do that and take care of my family.”
forward, I dove in 100 percent.” Once she
done. When I began, I felt like I had zero
the way she wanted. She says, “Things
dōTERRA, he only has to work one job,
saw the potential, she got serious about it
time, but what I found is if you’re serious
are inevitably going to fall off and you’re
and on his days off is able to spend time
enough about something and you want
going to drop the ball somewhere, but
with the family and fully support Mindy
it to happen, you have enough time.”
be willing to say, ‘I can still do this,’ pick
in her business. Mindy is excited to be
and hasn’t stopped since.
Going into the business as a very busy
stay-at-home mom, Mindy discovered
the art of finding hidden time. She says,
“The time is there, you just have to figure
She also found it was important to give
up the pieces, and continue on.”
up the idea of everything being perfect.
Mindy’s husband, Nathan, was relatively
She couldn’t expect herself to hold a
neutral about dōTERRA in the beginning,
able to show her children that she can
be a devoted mother and pursue what
she’s passionate about at the same
but attending convention ended up
time. “My eyes are