“Keep going, even though there are road blocks in the way. When you look
back at where you’ve come from, it will give you hope that in the future you will
be able to achieve whatever you want in life.” –Bill
Bill & Deena Jordan
how they were changing people’s lives. I
really wanted to be a part of that.” After
convention, they started working together
“I am still so impressed
with the potential, power, and
purpose of this company.
I want to be a part of it.” –Bill
INTENTION: “An intention is something we
want to do but have no control over, like a rank.
A lot of times we set a date with an intention
then we attach our self-esteem to it. If we don’t
hit that intention, we believe we aren’t good
enough. That really is very counterproductive.”
and have been at it ever since.
Deena’s experience as a life coach has
prepared her to know how to help her
team be effective leaders. She says, “If
a team leader is telling me about how
someone isn’t doing what they want them
to and coming to me with a victim story,
I call them on it. I tell them to concentrate
on what is in their control, and to focus
on what they can do. Because of that,
GOAL: “A goal has to be measurable, doable,
and something we can control. In dōTERRA,
it can be how many classes we schedule,
what educational videos we’re going to watch,
what phone calls we’re going to participate
in, etc. I teach people how to set their goals,
and then their intentions, which is when ranks
become involved.”
I really don’t have a lot of drama on my
team. They know I’ll call them on it every
time. Usually, they get to the point where
they’re doing it themselves. It’s been a
huge asset to have healthy leaders.”
Because of their dōTERRA business, Bill
will soon be able to retire from his job,
and the Jordans will be able to spend
their time doing the things they’ve always
wanted to. Bill says, “The vehicle to do
that is having a purpose and then having
the mechanism to fulfill that purpose.
Be a Part of It
fter finishing her second life coaching
these were different than anything she’d
ever used.
the world.” Deena adds, “I have so much
gratitude for where we are right now.
I love being a part of dōTERRA.”
dōTERRA as a business. The next week
Jordan asked him in passing about his
and his wife’s essential oil business. She
had used a few essential oils before, and
She ended up calling Natalie Goddard
to ask how she could get more. A month
she got a check for $148. She says, “That
check changed my life.”
later, Natalie called and said, “I think
Deena began teaching classes and
it would serve you best if I came and
attended convention that year with
taught a class.” Deena invited 12 people
her husband, Bill. While she spent
to that class; 12 people came, and all
most of her time life coaching several
12 signed up. As they were leaving,
dōTERRA leaders, Bill attended all the
the oils, she first opened a bottle of
Natalie started talking to Deena about
sessions. He says, “I just could not
Lavender and knew immediately that
structuring her team. Deena responded
believe how powerful the oils were and
was interested to hear about them. When
she sent him the invoice for the sessions,
he offered to pay in dōTERRA oils instead
of cash. Deena agreed. After receiving
that we can go out and help people in
that there was no way she was doing
session with Andy Goddard, Deena
dōTERRA has given us those things so
“I invite people to
embrace all five
gifts of healing that
come with doTERRA:
physical, emotional,
spiritual, social, and
financial.” –Deena