Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Kyle & Kierston Kirschbaum
How have you learned to work together in this business?
Kierston: Honestly, it’s hard. I think we need to be honest
about that. The thing that’s brought me the most peace in
working together are the perks—the free time, the vacations.
I wouldn’t change that for anything. Advice I would give is to
never blame the other person when something doesn’t go
right. I’ve learned to take a lot of responsibility on myself and
What advice would you give to someone who is
trying to reach Presidential Diamond?
Kierston: Understand that it takes time. You are on the
path to Presidential Diamond right now. Be patient with
the process. Understand that it’s unveiling exactly the way
it’s supposed to for your life and your leaders’ lives.
Kyle: At the start of our journey, I heard a Presidential
Diamond say, “If somebody would’ve just told me in the
beginning that someday I would be Presidential Diamond,
it would’ve changed the way I looked at everything.” Just
imagine someone told you that. What would that do to
your confidence? How would you approach the business
differently? That’s a powerful thought that really drove us.
If you’re on this path, it’s not a question of if, it’s a question
of when. Act like that from the beginning.
What have been some roadblocks you’ve run into
on your journey?
Kyle: I think one of the biggest challenges in going for
Presidential Diamond is that you have to forget all about
yourself. You have to focus on understanding what your
leaders need and what their whys are, and invest in
helping them become leaders. Take the risk. You can only
go so far by yourself. You have to be willing to fully commit
and sacrifice some things you might want for some things
your leaders need.
Kierston: When we knew we were going for Presidential
Diamond, it was less about us being Presidential Diamond
and more about our leaders being Diamond. We want
to be Presidential Diamonds with six Diamonds, not six
Platinums, because we know how much it means to
our leaders to be Diamond leaders in the company.
Though we like maintaining our rank, we wanted to
support our leaders and help them take the time to
build their fourth legs.
Presidential Diamond Tips
also try to point out the things that I like about Kyle more often.
MAKE IT ABOUT YOUR LEADERS. “It’s not about you, it’s
about expanding and creating hope, then turning that hope
into a reality for your leaders.”
Kyle: We have not found the perfect way to work together.
It’s difficult, especially when you throw kids into the mix.
We’re both driven and we want to accomplish really great
things. We’re so focused on our goals that sometimes we
BE CONSISTENT. “Understand that constant classes, doing
follow up, and all of those basic things make up the path to
Presidential Diamond.”
forget that the greatest thing we’ve been able to accomplish
is being home together as a family. We have to remember
to enjoy what we’ve created. Although it’s not perfect, the
blessing of being able to work together as a family far
surpasses the imperfection.
How do you balance work and family?
Kyle: One thing we’ve strived to do is focus on doing one
thing and doing it really well. Be present. If you’re going to
BE HUMBLE. “We both recognize what each other’s
strengths are and are willing to recognize our own
weaknesses as well.”
INCLUDE THE FAMILY. “Kids screaming in the background
might actually help a class. It’s really comforting f or people
that we’re such a family business.”
be with the kids, just fall in love with being with the kids every
single second. If you’re going to be doing a class or a one-onone, don’t be thinking about a million other things, be focused
on that person right there.
personally become better, I do it so I can contribute that skill
to the overall improvement of the company.”
Kierston: I think a lot of women are afraid that they have
to sacrifice being present for their children in order to do a
dōTERRA business. They think they have to do one or the
other. One of my favorite things about dōTERRA is it’s a part
of my family’s life. My kids hear me on the phone mentoring
someone and they see us making samples and they think
that’s cool. My five-year-old couldn’t say “presidential” so he
would ask me, “When are you going to be a pretzel diamond?”
The balance of dōTERRA for me has been a lot about
integrating my kids into the business.
What motivates you to keep moving forward with
your business?
Kierston: After I achieved my initial why, I had this moment
where I had to find a new one. I realized that everyone in the
company has a different story of why they are now using,
sharing, or building dōTERRA, and I’m really excited about
being a part of impacting as many of these people’s lives as
example for as many people as possible. What drives us now
is finding an avenue to be able to get these oils in people’s
homes. It’s not about making a sale, it’s “What do I have to do
to help you? What do I have to do to open your eyes so that
you can see how amazing these oils are?” This has changed
our lives completely, and that’s exciting to me to see other
people’s lives change too.
Kyle: I think in the beginning I thought it was really cool that
my wife had found this, and then the more I got involved
the more I realized that this is absolutely a calling. There
are tens of thousands of people who also feel like it’s a
calling, but have not yet been given the opportunity to fulfill
it. Our passion is finding those people and helping them
get to a point where they can serve people, be financially
independent, and be a part of this movement.
possible. I feel like dōTERRA is a movement. I feel like I’ve been
led to this as a calling in life, to be able to be a light and an