Fernando & Daniela Romay
“Believe in your dreams.
Set a goal, as wild as it
may be, and then just
start walking toward it.”
fter their young son passed away
in his sleep for unknown causes,
Fernando and Daniela Romay were
unprepared for their baby daughter
to suffer through illness after illness.
Daniela says, “When our son died,
something inside of us died too. If
something would’ve happened to
Sophia, I don’t know what I would’ve
done.” Both she and Fernando dealt
with significant depression, all the while
battling financial difficulties. They felt
like their lives were broken.
One day, Daniela asked her husband to
stay home from work so she could get
out of the house and go to the gym.
It happened to be the only day Jenna
Fante, who lived 45 minutes away, was
having a dōTERRA booth at that gym.
After talking to Jenna, Daniela struggled
to believe that these oils could really solve
her daughter’s problems, but she was
so desperate she bought a kit and gave
it a try. The essential oils worked so well,
her hope quickly grew that this could
be the solution they were looking for.
Before long, she was eager to share
dōTERRA with her family and friends in
Mexico, but quickly found that their
options for selling there were limited.
They didn’t let that stop them. Fernando
says, “Once you’ve faced losing everything, you have nothing else to lose. Once
you go across that threshold, you get
this courage and you know that nothing
“We’re really good together. We’re supportive
of each other and we make a great team.”
is going to stop you.” Daniela adds, “It
doesn’t matter what we go through in
the future. We already went through
the worst day of our lives and we’re still
here, so we know we can do anything.”
They were determined, and did
everything they could to make sure their
friends and family in Mexico were able
to experience the benefits of dōTERRA.
As their business grew, they decided
to do Diamond Club with the goal of
reaching Founder in Latin America.
Daniela started flying in and out of
Mexico four or five times a week. One
week, she came home exhausted to
the brink of tears while her two young
daughters clamored for their mom.
She checked her back office and found
Be happy for each other. “Our triumphs are their triumphs. We’re
one with each other. Many people in our organization have said how
they’ve never been so happy for someone else’s success.” –Fernando
that, after all her hard work, they had
actually gone down in rank. Even with
that kind of discouragement, they
pressed forward and in the end not only
reached Founder, but also achieved the
Work with your whole team together. “We didn’t work with one
line and then the other and then the next, we worked with all four of
our frontlines together, and that’s helped them to feel like one whole
team.” –Daniela
rank of Diamond and won Diamond
Club entirely. Daniela says, “Never in our
wildest dreams did we think that would
happen. We won everything. I cannot
ask for more.”
Overcome barriers. “Though they live in different countries and
speak different languages, somehow everyone on our team goes
together really well. It doesn’t matter what line they are on, they
know each other and work together.” –Daniela
The Romays are grateful that after all
of their suffering, they are now able to
work to relieve the suffering of others
in so many ways. Daniela says, “I know
what happened to our son happened
for a reason. I’m trying to honor that
Share a mission. “We all joined dōTERRA because there’s a concern
or cause near and dear to our hearts. We want enthusiastic people
in our group, people that share the same values as us and the same
values as dōTERRA.” –Fernando
reason, because I think this is part of
why he came and why he’s gone. I feel
so fortunate to work for a company that
has the same kind of heart that I do.”
Become a family. “We do this to build a better world for the ones
we care for, but in doing so we’ve expanded the number of people
we care for. In dōTERRA, you’re a part of a family and they are a part
of you and it just expands.” –Fernando