“When you believe
something totally with all
your heart, then you can
achieve anything.”
Tracy Prince
A Solid Foundation of Belief
racy Prince was exposed to essential
oils early on in her career as a
massage therapist and body work
educator, and used them frequently
both in her practice and with her family.
After years of using a particular brand,
she lost confidence in its purity and
effectiveness. For three years, she
searched for a new brand, but nothing
met her standards. Her client brought
her dōTERRA essential oils, asking her
to take a look at them and possibly use
them on her.
Clients often asked Tracy to evaluate
products for them, so she left the
packages on the dining room table and
thought she would look at them in a few
days. Every time she passed by them that
evening, she felt like they were calling
to her. She didn’t have time to look
through all of the information, but she
thought she would just open one bottle.
She says, “As soon as I opened up that
bottle and took in the aroma, I knew.
That was the moment my life changed.”
Because it was network marketing,
Tracy wanted nothing to do with the
business. She especially didn’t want to
sell the oils to her clients, but she did want
to use them. As she did, clients started
asking how they could get their own and
she would help them get wholesale
accounts. Checks started arriving in
the mail, and she started to realize this
business was worth looking into.
As her business grew, so did her belief.
She says, “Success comes down to
belief. When you have belief, it brings
confidence. When you have confidence,
you have assurance. That’s when you’re
moving forward. You just need a strong,
solid foundation of belief.” She didn’t
believe she could reach Diamond in the
beginning, but step by step she built up
to where she is now. “I’m just putting
one foot in f