Ken & Wendy Berry
The Power of Example
“It was only natural for me to
support Wendy in dōTERRA,
because she supports me in
the video production business.
Whenever I need help from her,
she’s right there.” —Ken
t first, Wendy and Ken Berry were
executives speak she knew there was
Wendy says, “Most people don’t want
faith, to look on the positive side. Life is
hesitant to enroll in dōTERRA.
something different about dōTERRA.
to be around people who are negative.
great, even when it’s not.”
They already owned a video production
“I could just feel their passion and it
We as leaders are responsible for
business and had only used dōTERRA
was infectious. I wanted to be a part of
encouraging and inspiring others and
essential oils for their health. Wendy
their mission.” She went home and told
lifting them up. We need to be positive,
says, “Ken and I had no intentions of
Ken that this was the business that she
kind, compassionate, and loving. We
ever being involved with a network
wanted to join because, “they’re more
need to have a healthy, positive heart to
marketing company because of the
than a company just selling a product;
be successful in this business.”
negative perception that we had of
they’re actually making a difference
them.” Even though they used the oils
in the community.”
and knew that they worked, it took
meeting the executives to truly change
how Wendy and Ken viewed
the network marketing industry.
Wendy shows her team by example the
importance of spousal support, even if
it’s just emotional support. Ken has been
there for Wendy in any way he can. She
says, “I had his support every step of
the way. He’s been to all my classes and
Wendy and Ken strive to be strong,
my business trainings; he’s helped with
positive examples for their team. Part
all the webinars and team calls.” They
As they moved forward, Ken says that
of how they keep their hearts open and
feel strongly that the business is just an
patience and perseverance helped them
positive is through their foundation
extension of their relationship; because
stick with the business, but Wendy is
of faith, and als