I think it’s fun. It’s become my life. The people in my upline,
Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Wes & Hayley Hobson
You reached Presidential Diamond in just a little over a
year. How did you do it?
HAYLEY: I never stop thinking about dōTERRA and the ways
other well. Without the personality Hayley has, she would’ve
downline, crossline, and the executive team have become my
never gotten this far this fast, and I think a lot of people are
friends and family. I love everything about this company, so for
attracted to that. Now, I can add in my personality to enhance
me, devoting my life to this business is fun. My challenge has
other aspects of the business that might help other people.
been teaching people that all I’m doing is the basic stuff. If you
What advice would you give to someone who wanted to
actually do the basics, they actually work. It’s just a matter of
being willing to be trained and put in the time. I do believe this
is a business that anybody can do if they love the oils and take
the time to share them.
WES: Building a successful dōTERRA business can be like
running a marathon, but you have to take it mile by mile. You
can’t just look at the whole 26 miles at once; you have to break
How do you work together as a team?
I can share with others on a daily basis. When I started my
WES: I was not involved for the first six to eight months. I saw
dōTERRA business, I sat down and decided that if I was going
Hayley’s success and I was happy for her, but it wasn’t until she
to do this, I wanted to reach a vast number of people. So, I got
dragged me to convention, then the Tulum incentive trip, and
savvy on social media, webinars, and newsletters really fast.
then the Presidential Diamond trip to Haiti and the Dominican
I created a lot of different websites and blogs online that have
Republic that I was able to get to know the founders and the
become very popular and given me a lot of visibility. I’m
other Wellness Advocates and understand what they saw
constantly educating people. Through word of mouth and the
in dōTERRA. I saw the owners’ true intentions to improve
connections that I’ve made with other likeminded, health-
people’s health and help those who help grow our products
inspired entrepreneurs, I’m now at the point where people
as well. In the last three months, I’ve become much more
come to me asking how they can get involved.
reach Presidential Diamond?
involved using my connections to spread the word, share the
it down into small steps so it won’t seem as daunting. Also, it’s
OK to be uncomfortable. This business is tough when you’re
just getting started. You have to expand your environment
and get out of the little environment you’ve been in for so
long. It can be hard to enter someone’s personal space and
tell them about the oils, but what I’m learning is that people
are willing to listen to information that they know will benefit
them. You have to be willing to go out there and share.
HAYLEY: I would say go for it. If you want it, you can have it. I
felt like every rank that I saw above me, I thought, “Wow, look
at those people. How could I ever get there?” But, I let that
thought pass out of my mind and I told myself, “I’m going to do
Also, I think there is so much truth to the saying, “The fortune
oils, and get people interested in joining our team. I’ve been
is in the follow-up.” I have never let any lead slide by me. I probably
in real estate for 10 years, so I have a network there that has
get over 200 emails a day now, but I make sure to sift through
become an avenue for sharing dōTERRA.
them and find those who are interested in dōTERRA and
Hayley and I have two different personalities. Hayley is more
that with the power of manifestation we can all make anything
of a go-getter, whereas I’m more of a listene