Scott & Shyanne Hathaway
Trading Dreams for
“If you struggle, and then you try to help other people,
then they’ll just struggle. Help yourself, then you’ll start
being able to help other people.” –Shyanne
Never give up.
Have a strategy.
“When we first started, we didn’t know anything and
our upline didn’t know anything. We honestly just
kept going; if you want to be successful, you’ve got
to keep going.”
“You can make your business work where you’re
at, but if you want to make it work faster, then be
smart about understanding demographics. Think
strategically about people who are in certain areas
that you have connections with and then connect
with them.”
cott and Shyanne Hathaway began
making two grand at dōTERRA at one
life, they decided if they wanted their
we have plans.” These plans include
looking into essential oils and
point when my brother told me to go
business to grow they would need to
homeschooling their kids and taking
dōTERRA when a friend told them to
get a job at Wal-Mart. That was hard,
move to an area where it could truly
them to historical sites that they teach
try Frankincense. Shyanne says their
we even considered it.”
flourish. Shyanne says, “We looked into
them about. They also want to travel
places that we felt would be good. That’s
the world and become self-sustaining.
how it’s been for us, we weren’t hitting
Scott illustrates, “We want to have green-
our goals, and we knew we needed to
houses. We want to have clean, fresh food
do something different.”
and water. To help bring that to life, we’re
response was something along the lines
of “Okay, where’s your wise man? We’ll
talk to him.” However, having experienced
the effectiveness of dōTERRA essential
oils for themselves, they knew they had
something that worked. Shyanne simply
went about sharing them for a couple
years so they could afford the oils they
Despite these challenges, the
Hathaways kept working. Scott says,
“We still made it from Premier to Gold
in a 20-person town.” Eventually they
realized that they needed to travel—
When asked how dōTERRA changed
a lot. Even though they had planned
their life, Shyanne is quick to say,
on being in their small community for
“We don’t have dreams anymore,
working toward buying land and acquiring
the necessary water shares to be able
to share that with our community.”
needed. Shyanne says, “I wouldn’t say I
didn’t have the passion and drive to create
a business I just didn’t have the business
sense. I was going around sharing with
“Deciding is not doing. If you decide you want to be Diamond,
you have to do things every day.” –Scott
people, but I didn’t know how to tell other
people how to do what I was doing.” When
Scott was laid off from his job, all excuses
were taken away, and they decided Ѽ)