Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 10 | Page 4

PRESIDENTIAL DIAMOND Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond Paul & Betsy Holmes Columbus, Ohio, USA “I went to Zambia in October of last year. I met with some a desire and a heart for helping and serving people, but I didn’t ladies who were suffering with HIV and asked them what their know that all my passions would tie together through dōTERRA. dreams were. They all told me they didn’t have any dreams. It’s been an amazing journey. We now have the opportunity to I knew that wasn’t true, so I asked them, ‘What would you do open up all of the dreams we’ve had on the shelf and pursue with your life if you had an unlimited income?’ All of a sudden what we’re passionate about. In the beginning, I felt inadequate they all shared these amazing things they would do. One of to do this. Through dōTERRA, I’ve learned that we all have them wanted to open up an orphanage, and another wanted everything we need to accomplish our dreams. I believe that to help women. They had the most amazing dreams, but they God made us all with desires and dreams, and he gave us the didn’t even know they had dreams until they took away the ability to accomplish them, but we have to choose to do so. perception or barrier that they needed money to do those things. I realized that everyone thinks the same way. We put How do you work together in your business? our own barriers on ourselves. We have a perception of what’s Paul: Typically it’s going to start out with one person spearheading possible for us. We don’t want to let our imagination soar to the business. In our case, that was Betsy. What’s important is the level that is required. We don’t dream big enough. This for the other person to allow that individual to go after their opportunity with dōTERRA is only possible if you believe it’s dreams and provide them the support they need. I’ve found possible.” –Betsy that just by being a voice and a sounding board I can be a huge help, especially in making crucial decisions. It’s key to Did you have any idea when you started that you would would need help with and figure out how to step in and fulfill Betsy: We had no idea at the time how God would use dōTERRA those roles, whatever they may be. Realize that in taking care to heal us physically, emotionally, and financially. I’ve always had 4 identify in the first few years what the other person like Betsy reach this point? of things that may be weaknesses, you’re enabling the other dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I FALL 2014