new diamond
executive message
“ eadership is communicating to people their
worth and potential so clearly that they are
inspired to see it in themselves.” –Stephen R. Covey
Bryan and Andrea Huddleston have always felt guided.
After spending fifteen years in Seattle, Bryan and
Andrea began the process of moving. Andrea hoped
to move closer to the facility that housed her horse,
but Bryan felt inspired to look at Utah. Although
Andrea was hesitant, she agreed. Looking back the
Huddlestons are convinced that their move to Utah
was inspired. Andrea said, “It enabled us to discover
dōTERRA—a path that I believe will allow us to serve
as big as we can dream.”
Andrea met the Garrets at Alpine Days. She felt drawn
to their booth and spent a considerable portion of her
evening in discussion with them. Although she was
fascinated by the product, she was quick to inform
them that, “if they talked to her about business, they
would no longer be friends.”
The Huddlestons and Garretts developed a strong
friendship, but they respected Andrea’s request to not
discuss the business, until Andrea approached them.
She had felt inspired, and despite being hesitant about
direct sales because of previous experiences, she
asked Marc to tell her about dōTERRA as a business.
Andrea left her first dōTERRA event thinking, “this is
something I’m going to be good at!”
Bryan supported Andrea in building a dōTERRA
business. He had experienced the benefits of using
Frankincense during a difficult time. He felt the health
benefits were astounding. He knew dōTERRA was
something everyone could benefit from. Bryan said,
“I felt healthier than I had in years. I was comfortable
sharing dōTERRA because I never felt like I was selling
anything. I was just sharing what was easy to share.”
Bryan and Andrea have discovered that dōTERRA is
exceptionally powerful in the unlimited opportunities
it provides. They have witnessed firsthand their
family being blessed socially, emotionally, financially,
physically, and spiritually. According to Andrea,
the “abundant life” is defined as, “empowerment to
improve health and wellness, and achieve financial
independence; while living a rich, colorful, delicious life
full of experiences which enable you to become your
best self.” dōTERRA is allowing the Huddlestons the
opportunity to live an abundant life.
Serve as Big as You Dream