Q: What does reaching Presidential
Diamond mean to you?
“Presidential Diamond represents working together to
create a lot of value for a lot of people. It doesn’t
happen by itself, it takes individuals working together
as a team.”
Q: Are there particular people who
helped you on your journey to
Presidential Diamond?
“Absolutely, so many people have been an influential
part of this journey. First, I need to thank my husband.
He believed in me and gave me freedom to fly. He has
been with me through every step of this journey. We
did it together. Second, I want to thank the executive
team, especially, Greg and Julie Cook. I am grateful for
the executives’ commitment, influence, and enthusiasm.
I respect that they believe in dōTERRA enough to share
it. Third, I need to thank Laura Jacobs, who has been a
key influence—a mentor—in my journey. Prior to being
introduced to dōTERRA she inspired me with the vision
of, ‘a healer in every home.’ dōTERRA was the perfect
opportunity to fulfill that vision. Finally, I would love to
thank every individual member on our team. They have
all contributed to making us what we are.”
Q: What was your motivation for
reaching Presidential Diamond?
“My motive has always been to serve and aid others.
Reaching Presidential Diamond was a goal post along
the way which read, ‘Congratulations! You have the
opportunity to help more people!’”
Natalie Goddard
Q&A with a new
Presidential Diamond
Q: What business tip have
you found most beneficial?
“You are not your business. When you look past yourself and
focus on serving others, then your life wil