executive message
pre m i e r i ss ue
Welcome to
Essential Leadership
Dear Friends,
We are excited to share with you our first publication of our Essential Leadership magazine. dōTERRA, meaning “gift of the Earth”
in Latin, came to life with the intention of introducing to market
CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils, a quality
standard more pure and potent than anything that existed previously. We knew it would be impossible to share with the world the
true potential of these miraculous gifts of the Earth without the
help of individuals like you.
This magazine is designed to celebrate you, our Independent Product Consultants. With each new milestone that is accomplished
and every goal that is met, we celebrate with you. We recognize
the strength of character that is developed as goals and dreams
are created and a pathway is followed to accomplish them.
on our cover
Presidential Diamonds Natalie
and Andy Goddard at their home
in Alpine, Utah. Read Natalie’s
interview on page 4 .
Our hope is that this magazine will accomplish two things: first,
recognize the efforts of those leaders who are dedicated to sharing
the message of doTERRA and leading the way to superior health;
and second, to inspire creativity through sharing tips and real-life
stories from those who have achieved success one step at a time.
We hope you will enjoy the Essential Leadership magazine as
much as we have enjoyed preparing it for you.
With warm regards,
Emily Wright
Vice President, Leadership Development
EMILY’s favorite oil: Immortelle, because
of the powerful regenerative benefits each oil in this
beautiful blend offers.