executive message
8 Steps to a
Successful Event
eep in Mind the Question, ‘What is in
it for Them?’
Your competition might be American Idol, Glee, or The
Bachelor. Whatever is popular, that’s your competition.
When you’re extending the invention, verbally or
written, it has to be compelling. Provide a door prize,
samples, a guest incentive, or more importantly a team
incentive for bringing three guests.
Choose an Enticing Title
School, Boosting Your Immune System for Cold
Back to
and Flu Season, and Spring Cleaning are interesting and
appropriate event titles. Never title an event ‘a meeting’.
People don’t like meetings. Use words like event, open
house, party, or spa night when advertising your event.
The title must be enticing.
Provide Advance Notice
Provide a Positive Product Experience
an event provide each guest with a product
Prior to
experience. People who have experienced dōTERRA
attend, have better questions, and are 100% more likely
to enroll. The hosting consultant should always provide
an enrollment incentive. The company often provides
these for us, but don’t rely on them.
Offer a Consistent Event Schedule
Consistency can be key in increasing attendance. A
consistent time, location, and date provide guests with a
stable environment that they can plan for.
Pick Them Up
pick them up, they will show up. This may not
If you
work for all guests, however, if they are close friends or
family picking them up will guarantee attendance.
all attendees with enough notice to arrange their
schedules and attend. We have several communication
methods available to us and some are better than
others. Do not solely rely on, or hide behind email. It can
be a good communication method but there are those
who don’t open or read it, and those who only skim
through emails. When this happens, guests fail to get
advance notice or notified at all.
Select a Location that is Easy to Find
Consultants have held events that should have been
successful but were not due to location. If guests can’t
locate you, it doesn’t matter how spectacular the
location is, your event will fail.
Create a Sense of Urgency
Advertise an exclusive speaker. Discuss how they
travel often and will only be in the area for a short time.
Choose an enticing topic and emphasize that this will
be the only meeting on the topic this month. Creating
urgency provides guests with a sense of importance.
Justin Harrison, Presidential Diamond and Founding
US Master Consultant, understands what it
takes to plan, prepare for, and executive a
successful event.