Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 8
Carol Lopez & Luis Estevez
arol Lopez and her husband, Luis
Estevez, were both very familiar
with herbs and natural health care, so
when Paola Ortega introduced them to
dōTERRA, essential oils just made sense
to them. They had never been interested
in network marketing, but they saw how
well the oils worked. That made them
more open when Carol’s friend, Lorena
Alvarado, called her and Paola to tell
them what she had discovered about the
business opportunity.
When they first started doing the
business, Carol and Luis thought Silver
would be nice. They say, “But, every time
we set a goal in our business, we reached
that goal much faster and easier than
we thought.” Though they never made
the conscious decision to hit Diamond,
as they worked and grew, it eventually
happened. They know that the first step
is to first know how to reach any rank and
go from there. “Work side by side with the
people in your team you need to upgrade
ranks. Make sure that rank is part of their
dream too, and work accordingly.”
Carol and Luis are together on this
journey 100 percent and both consider
“In this business, there are no
definite mistakes. Everything has
a solution.”
it their dream job. They are currently in
the process to help define their roles
as they work together in the business.
They say, “It’s not by any means easy
to work with your spouse, at least for
us, so we looked for help: professional
help, coaches, webinars, anything
that could give us some guidance on
how to actually do this as effective
and passionate partners, without any
collateral damage in our marriage and
family. It’s a learning process and we
are in the middle of it, but we feel we
are on the right track. It surely helps
a lot that we both have the same
love for what we do and what we are
accomplishing together.”
They also make sure to keep their pri
orities straight when it comes to their
children, and to always communicate
with them. When they started Diamond
Club, they made sure their children
understood on their own level what they
were doing as a family. Carol and Luis
say, “Being in dōTERRA is all about taking
care of your family, so you have to make
sure everyone understands that and
everyone will end up playing their part.”
Before, when Luis worked at a corp
orate job, sometimes he only saw his
children when they were sleeping. Now,
he’s able to eat meals with them every
day. They are all able to spend most of
their time with the people they want
to be with, who they didn’t even know
three or four years ago. Carol and Luis
say, “We have gotten closer as a couple
now that we are business partners and
are aware and taking positive action on
personal development.” In other words,
dōTERRA has changed their lives in
every single way.
“Find your why and make that the center of your
actions and decisions. Every single thing you do
must be getting you closer to that why.”
HOLD EVENTS OFTEN. “It’s important to hold events often
so that you get used to talking about, sharing, and studying
the oils. The more product buzz is present in your network, the
bigger your business will get.”
LET THE PRODUCT WORK. “The most important thing
after giving out your little bottles is to let the product work on
its own. Just make sure they are using the oils as indicated.”
GIVE THEM SPACE. “There is no need to pressure or harass
anyone. dōTERRA should be easy for everyone to use. Give it
time. If they are using it, they will come back.”
REMEMBER TO FOLLOW UP. “Following up is the only way
you can be sure that the main asset of your business, the oils, are
doing their job. It’s the only way you can be sure they are using the
oils correctly and making the most of their wellness investment.”
OILS BEFORE BUSINESS. “We never introduce the business
opportunity if we are not a sked. We are sure no one will fully
comprehend the magnitude of it and take true action if they
don’t use the oils.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.