Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 56
“Don’t sell, educate.
Teach people how to
use essential oils and
how they’re going to be
beneficial in their lives.”
Pete & Carrie Vitt
Walk Alongside
“I love that dōTERRA gives people a great natural resource that is
solving a problem for them. The oils are not an indulgence; they’re essential.”
fter getting healthy by changing
and had more than 1,000 people
eight weeks before he retired, and
her diet, Carrie Vitt realized other
register. Carrie says, “A light bulb went
now he has more options with what he
people could benefit from better
on. I thought, ‘Maybe they’re wanting
wants to do with his career. Also, their
nutrition as well. So, eight years ago,
this information.’” She and Season
children are teenagers, and driving and
she started a website and also wrote
started teaching regular online classes
college are right around the corner, so
a cook book about the benefits of real
together. Carrie saw that dōTERRA
Carrie is excited she’ll be able to help
food. She had heard of essential oils
could become a new source of income
support her family in that way as well.
but didn’t really understand what they
for her blog, and she made goals for
Beyond that, she says, “I want these
were about.
how her new business would grow.
oils in people’s homes. I want them to
Then, she went to a health conference
For Carrie, it made sense to mostly
and her friend, Season Johnson, shared
build online, since she had already built
some Peppermint with her. Carrie
her online business over eight years.
found it so effective that she started
She says, “I had built some trust with
trying other oils and got really excited.
my readers over those years. They
At first, she wasn’t interested in starting
know my story and they come to me
a business, but after five months she
for health and food advice. It made
thought she was doing her online
sense to head in that direction.”
with them and helping them build
Carrie was motivated to reach
and walk alongside them. That’s been a
followers a disservice by not educating
them about dōTERRA.
understand that they can be used as a
tool alongside diet and lifestyle.”
Whereas before Carrie felt a little
separated from her readers, she now
has been able to connect with them on
a much more personal level through
dōTERRA. She says, “Now I’m friends
businesses. Now, I encourage them
Diamond to help her husband, Pete,
real game-changer for me, and I really
She sent out an invite to her email list
who recently retired from the military.
appreciate that dōTERRA has given me
about an online essential oils class—
She successfully reached Diamond
that opportunity.”
Make connections.
Find leaders.
Solve problems.
Keep it simple.
“My team is all over the
world. I’ve never met
most of my leaders in
person because I’ve built
all of this online. I’ve
started doing zoom calls
to make more connections
than you can through
emails or the phone.”
“I was bringing in so many
people, then I realized I
needed leaders. I looked
at who was on LRP and
was coming to the weekly
calls with my upline and
contacted them to see if
they were interested in the
business opportunity. It
worked really well.”
“I don’t sell essential oils
online, I educate and
solve people’s problems.
You have to show people
what’s in it for them. If
you’re not giving them a
tool that will be beneficial
in their lives, they’re not
going to pay attention.”
“All you have to do for a
successful class is share
your personal story, explain
a little about the oils, share
some of the favorites, and
explain how dōTERRA is
like a Costco membership.
You don’t need bells and
whistles, just make it real
and personal.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.