Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 54
Jason & Alicia Stephens
Good Is Ahead
hen Alicia Stephens transitioned
from corporate America to being
a stay-at-home mom, she found she fit
naturally into the niche of the health
and wellness world. As she strove to
help her own family through nutrition
and natural living, she became really
passionate about educating other
moms out there about what she had
discovered. She became a health and
wellness coach, and soon after that
discovered dōTERRA.
introduced her to dōTERRA, Alicia was
so overwhelmed by everything else that
she didn’t pay much attention. Later,
when she had a need for it in her home,
Alicia agreed to experiment with the
essential oils, and she saw how quickly
they made a difference. She says, “I’m
an all or nothing kind of girl. When
something works, I need to understand
why. I dove deep into research about it
and became fascinated about this whole
new world.”
As a new health coach, Alicia had many
people trying to convince her to try their
health products. So, when her sister first
Alicia began to use and share the oils,
and then a friend invited her to present
dōTERRA at a party, and several people
“I didn’t wish to become
Diamond. I didn’t hope to
become Diamond.
I was Diamond.”
signed up at the end. She says, “That
was a real eye opener of how easy it
was to just share from a really authentic
place.” It didn’t take long for her to start
incorporating dōTERRA in her coaching
Then, Alicia attended the gala at
convention and was amazed by the
people she knew who were walking
the carpet as Diamond, and she knew
she wanted to get there too. She says,
“Becoming Diamond for me wasn’t
necessarily about the rank. It was more
about me doing something that I know
I was meant to do, that I was born for.
I’ve always been good at what I’ve done
in my career, but only this has made me
feel good at the end of the day about
what effort I’m putting toward others
and their needs.”
“Being a mom is what
made me have the most
success, because it
made me want to share,
educate, and empower
other moms.”
Now, it’s no longer about her goals.
She says, “Never before have I been as
motivated as I am today to help these
women on my team who have amazing,
generous hearts.” She knows when she
focuses on her team is when she finds
where she wants to go. “dōTERRA has
truly been the avenue to everything I
want in my life. It h