Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 48
Ryan & Jenyce Harris
You asked, they answered.
We took your most pressing
questions about the business
and asked some of our
top dōTERRA leaders for
their advice from their
years of experience.
How do you get past blocks and deal with self-doubt?
Allow us to share a perspective that has greatly shifted the way we
view ourselves. We believe that there is a force greater than ourselves
that perfectly created this world and everything in it, including us.
We choose to reference this creative force as God. If we are products
of this creative force, then inherent in each of us is one of the most
powerful forces that exists—the power of creation. Quite literally,
we cannot choose not to create: all of our choices, decisions, and
actions have consequences and create an effect or have influence on
the people and things around us. Regardless of our current station
or where we may now stand, God’s power dwells or resides in
each of us. When self-doubt begins to creep in, we can choose to
view ourselves through that frame of reference. Realizing that we
not only possess, but that it is impossible to divorce ourselves from
this power, how can we doubt our own ability to find solutions to
obstacles and create in abundance?
Honore de Balzac said, “When you doubt your power, you
give power to your doubt.” We all have inner voices inside our
heads that tell us we are not good enough, not strong enough, and
incapable of doing the things we dream of. We have a choice to
either believe in ourselves, or suffer in self-pity and self-doubt.
Here are some useful tips to push past obstacles:
1. Take Action
One of the best tools to boost confidence and decrease self-doubt
is to simply take action. When I first started this journey, I had little
confidence in myself, but my why was big enough that I was willing
to figure it out. As I took action, my confidence increased and my new
belief became that anything is possible.
2. Live in the Present
Most of the time, feelings of self-doubt are attached to memories of
previous failures. Don’t dwell on those moments, as the past does
not equal the future unless you live there. Stay in the here and now,
and see the opportunities that are in front of you. Remember, failure
is a huge part of growth. Staying present is key to being able to focus
on the positive.
3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Comparison is the thief of joy. It is easy to get lost by looking at
what others are creating and comparing yourself to their successes.
My experience is that comparison will create feeling of discourage
ment as we are usually comparing someone else’s strength to our
weakness. We each have unique gifts and our journeys will all look
different. Embrace you, because you are a badass!
4. Counteract the Negative
At times, it may seem as though the negative voices are stronger than
the positive ones. Be aware of when this happens and counteract it by
reciting empowering affirmations, changing your state with physical
activity, or—one of our favorites—seeking gratitude in the moment.
Remember, thankfulness lifts you up above your circumstances.
5. Nurture Yourself.
It’s easy to get lost in self-doubt when we forget to take care of our
own needs. Be sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water throughout
the day, get enough sleep, eat healthy, and exercise. Make a list of what
brings you joy and be sure to engage in those activities frequently. Take
time for personal development. We have learned to take advantage of
early morning hours to do this before our kids get up.
6. Connect with Others.
While it is important to take time out for self-care, it is just as
important to get the support you need from others. Whether this is
from friends, family, a professional therapist/coach, or your upline/
crossline, getting reassurance or help from others can make a big
difference. Many times just knowing that you are not the only one
who gets stuck or has moments of self-doubt can help you shift
away from a “Why me?” attitude.
How do you schedule out your days, weeks, and months
to obtain your goals?
It’s all about priorities. Frequently people mention that they need to
feel balanced in their lives. I love the book The One Thing, which says,
“The act of living a full life by giving time to what matters is a balancing
act. Extraordinary results require focused attention and time. Time
on one thing means time away from another which makes balance
impossible.” Referencing it as balance o ver a period of time versus
balance each and every day can be useful. If we strive to attend to all
things, then everything gets short-changed. No matter how hard we
try, there will always be things not done at the end of the day, week,
month, and year. We have learned to go through our week and make
sure that family, health, and relationships get scheduled in first.
When scheduling business activities, identify what your highest
priorities are in moving your business forward and attack those first
during your scheduled work hours in order to avoid getting distracted
with busy work like organizing your office or scrolling through social
media feeds. Make sure that sharing, inviting, following up, enrolling,
and supporting are consistently part of your highest priorities.
When you’re supposed to be working, work, and when you’re
supposed to be playing, play!
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.