Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 28
“The people who reach those coveted ranks are those who simply stick
with it. They’re consistent, they remember their why, and they don’t quit
just because of a bad day. They stay genuine and intentional about who
they are and what they’re doing.”
Mark & Kari Uetz
year or not. She decided if she reached
Gold, she would take another year off.
She reached her goal a month before
she had to give her notice, and was
able to devote her year to getting her
daughter through treatment, which
ended last April.
While Kari was comfortable at Gold or
Platinum, she decided to go for Diamond
to really bring security back into her
family’s lives. Though they both had
solid jobs and retirement savings, they
realized how financially unstable they
really were once tragedy struck. Her
husband, Mark, had to shut down his
business after their daughter’s diagnosis
and take a lower-paying job. She says,
“Things changed in terms of what we
were able to afford and do, so dōTERRA
is bringing back that security and safety
when things have changed so much.”
Security to Weather the Storm
ari Uetz’s daughter was diagnosed
serious health issue arise a month before
didn’t think she had time for a business.
with a serious health condition when
Kari’s daughter. Season is now a Blue
With their good health insurance and so
she was 15 months old. The hospital
Diamond with dōTERRA, and Kari works
many people fundraising to help them
they worked with had an integrative
with her to run a nonprofit that helps
out, money wasn’t a concern, but she
care department that told them about
educate parents on how to help their
did want to pay for her oils, so at first
essential oils that could comfort her
children thrive through their treatments
she worked toward that. Kari says, “I also
during her treatments. It took one social
for serious health conditions.
started feeling that if this was helping
media post about how well the oils
worked for them for Kari to start getting
phone calls and emails from people
wanting to know more.
At first, Kari was resistant to building
a business with dōTERRA. She had
taken a leave of absence from her job
my daughter so much, how dare I keep
it to myself? There are so many other
parents out there who need it.”
as a nutrition teacher to take care of
After going back to work for four or five
It was Season Johnson who introduced
her daughter. They would stay at the
months, Kari had to decide whether she
Kari to dōTERRA. Season’s son also had a
hospital for weeks at a time, and she
would come back for the next school
Kari has always liked to feel in control,
but now dōTERRA is restoring some
of that. She says, “When your kid gets
sick, all of a sudden there’s nothing you
can do but hold your baby tight and
hope she weathers the storm. dōTERRA
empowered me with a way to help her
and allowed me to be home with her.”
On top of that, she now is able to pour
into her nonprofit and give back to as
many families and children as she can.
“When something is
really important to
you and you make
the commitment, you
make the time.”
COMMUNICATE WITH THEM. “Even though you think your family knows
what you’re doing, they might not know why you’re doing it. Your kids likely
only know that things have changed and your schedule is different. They
don’t know what dōTERRA means to you and why you’re pushing for it.”
MAKE A VISION BOARD WITH YOUR WHYS. “Once I realized this, I got fired
up about making a geeky vision board. I put all my whys on there and it’s all
about healing, giving back, having financial freedom, spending more time
with family, seeing the world, and really embracing life.”
ASK THEM TO INCLUDE THEIR WHYS. “At dinner that night, I pulled out
this vision board and had a family meeting. I told them this is why I’m doing
dōTERRA and why I’m gone sometimes. Then I asked them what they
wanted to add. Now, my vision board is a full conglomeration of what our
family wants.”
GET THEM ONBOARD. “That next day, my husband sent me one of the most
heartfelt texts I’ve ever gotten from him. He said, ‘I love your passion. I want
you to know that I’m 100 percent onboard. I know that this is for you. Get
excited for your new career.’ And that was a turning point. He’s always been
supportive, but now he’s passionate about it and doing it with me.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.