Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 24
Joseph & Laura Sohn
Sacrifice and Purpose
“You have to go for it and work really hard. Keep trying and move forward no matter what.”
hen Laura Sohn had a health
husband, Joseph, had just finished
and I worked really hard as much as I
need in her life, she turned to
nursing school and Laura was working
possibly could. I gave whatever I had
a friend she didn’t know that well, but
two jobs as a graphic designer and
and just kept going until I got to where I
knew was using essential oils. This
photographer. They also had two small
needed to be.”
friend gave Laura some dōTERRA oils
children at home, so Laura didn’t have
to try, and they were so effective that
any free time. But, she was already
Laura bought a kit and started using
sharing dōTERRA naturally, and she
the product for everything. For a year
decided to go for it.
and half, she only used the oils until
For a while, this meant working hard
without making a lot of income, but
once Laura reached Platinum she was
able to quit her graphic design job and
Building the business required a lot
things really started to change. Laura
of sacrifice. Whenever Joseph was
says, “This has given me more time
working, Laura was home with the
with my family. I get to be there for my
kids, and most of the time when she
children and spend holidays with them,
was working, he was home with the
which I hardly got to before. There’s
kids—which meant they hardly ever
hope now that I can provide them with
got to see each other. Laura says,
a really good future, which is something
“We knew we had to get out of our
I have always struggled with and never
financial situation and there was no
had before. I feel like I have found
way of getting to our goals without
myself as a person and I’ve changed
“We were in a really bad financial
making some sacrifice. So, we made
and grown a lot. Getting to help people
situation,” Laura says, “so I was
the decision that we were going to
has just filled up my cup and made me
definitely open to more income.” To
sacrifice a lot for a while to be able to
feel like I have a strong purpose in life. I
help improve their circumstances, her
move forward. I didn’t get a lot of sleep
love that. It feels good.”
she finally tried dōTERRA Lifelong
Vitality Pack®. These supplements
made such a difference for her that
she shared them with all her friends
and family until they started using
them too. She started getting small
checks and wasn’t sure why—and
that’s what got her to start looking
into the business opportunity.
“I am very lucky to
have some awesome
leaders on my team.
We all got onboard
together and worked
really hard. I wasn’t
doing it alone.”
GOING. “From the
beginning, start booking
as many classes as you can
and finding hosts. Go out of
the gate strong and go for
it no matter what. If you get
a no, that’s OK. Just keep
going full force. Stay on
that fast track and keep the
momentum going.”
TOGETHER. “I try to do
classes for my whole team.
I try to keep everyone
connected and in this
together so no one feels
alone. I invest a lot in my
team and I check in with
them as often as I can to see
where they’re at and how I
can help so that we can all
grow together.”
BUSINESS. “My favorite
thing about doing this is
helping people with the
business. I love getting other
people to see the light at
the end of the tunnel and
work toward that. I love
seeing them do personal
development, grow as
people, and become more
confident in themselves.”
SUCCEED. “Once I hit
Diamond, it really sparked
a fire with a lot of my team.
They know I’m just a normal
person who is no more
special than anyone else, so
seeing me reach Diamond
has made them think they
can reach Diamond and
really anyone can do this.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA
Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.