Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 12

hen Heather Wade was first

W introduced to dōTERRA , she was already heavily involved in another network marketing business , but was interested in using the essential oils . So , she enrolled and learned how to use them . She was still loyal to her original company , so she sent any referrals she got out to other people she knew in dōTERRA .

At some point , Heather started using her essential oils more than she was using the product from her business . She realized her heart was no longer in her current company . But , she thought it was crazy to walk away from a large , successful business just because of that , so she kept doing the bare minimum for another year and a half . She says , “ Finally , I realized I was not serving me , my family , or the women I ’ m trying to help with how I was running it . So , I made my decision to be done .”
Heather had worked as a business coach for Amy Walker for three years . Two days after Heather gave up her previous business , Amy contacted her and said she had a new opportunity for her . Amy ’ s client , Presidential Diamond Jill Winger , was looking for a new leader for one of her struggling legs , and Amy thought Heather would be a great fit . Heather talked to her husband , Aaron , and with Jill , and decided to take the opportunity . A little over a year ago , she took on an existing team that needed her help .
At first , Heather was concerned that she had never taught an oil class and might not know enough about the product to be a leader . She says , “ But , they didn ’ t need me to come in and be their oil expert . They needed me to be their mentor and coach them in those key areas that are important for building a business . I was able to reengage

Aaron & Heather Wade

Enliven Women

“ I see higher successes in dōTERRA . More people hit ranks quicker and make bigger amounts of money .”
and enliven them .” In the process , she reached Diamond .
Her mission is to teach women that they should be in business and give them the confidence to be successful . She says , “ I ’ m really tired of the statistic of women who start network marketing businesses , try it for a while , and it doesn ’ t work . Women have the desire and the passion , but they need the skills in leadership , marketing , sales , and systems to go forward and do it .” She doesn ’ t want women to blame their business for everything going wrong in their lives and relationships , but rather be able to say that their business is the reason why they have time to be with their family and enjoy their lives . “ dōTERRA has changed my life because it ’ s part of my mission here on Earth . It ’ s brought more women into my circle that I can help be successful .”
AVOID BURNOUT . “ You can run a business flying by the seat of your pants , but it isn ’ t super effective and you ’ re going to burn out . I don ’ t like to burn out because I want to have passion in my work , so time management has been key for me .”
TIME BLOCK . “ I ’ m very clear about time blocking . I have clear business times and family times and I hold to those boundaries . Whether I ’ m with my family or working in my office , I try to be 100 percent there .”
LEARN TO SAY NO . “ I don ’ t say yes to everything that comes my way . If it doesn ’ t fit into my current goals , I have learned how to graciously decline . That doesn ’ t mean I can ’ t do it later , but right now it ’ s not best for my family .”
INCLUDE THE FAMILY . “ My kids run at a high responsibility level in our home because we all play a part in the business . They have specific jobs that they have to do to help me , including chores and getting their homework turned in on time .”
BE FOCUSED AND PRODUCTIVE . “ I treat this like a business not a hobby . That means that during the times I ’ ve blocked out for the business , I am extremely effective . I focus on incomeproducing activities first and the busy work fills in later .”
* Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . www . doterra . com 7