Leadership Magazines Issue 18 Kacie Vaudrey & Mike Hitchcock | Page 4

PRESIDENTIAL DIAMONDS Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond Jim & Tammy Stephens time and financial options to go out and really create a life of significance? overhead and hours you put in. In dōTERRA, the rewards way outweigh the hurdles. What have been the biggest hurdles you have had to How do you and your spouse work together in overcome on the way to Presidential Diamond? the business? Jim: The biggest challenge for me was learning how to inspire people instead of requiring them to do things. We used to own an excavation business and our employees were required to show up and do their job. But, we can’t require people to show up and start building a dōTERRA business. We had to learn how to inspire them to reach down within themselves and find out what they would really be willing to work for. They need to see the bigger potential of what they can achieve in their life through building their own businesses. If they invest their time they can create an ongoing income that will grow way beyond their time and effort. Tammy: Jim is a rock, and his stability made him a pillar for our team and that’s powerful. It’s not always about who’s doing the most classes or getting on the plane the most times, because it’s a team effort. Tammy: I had to learn the patience of becoming a better leader. I’m changing and growing and so is my team. There’s a learning curve and I needed to have the patience to allow my team to go through that and become strong enough individuals to handle mentoring a larger team. I know my leaders are going to create so much because of who they are becoming. Jim: In the end, when I looked at the hurdles we had to overcome in building our dōTERRA business, they seem minute compared to working a job for 40 years and ending up on a minimal retirement, being totally at the whims of the economy, or building a conventional business with all the Jim: We’ve been working in business ventures together since before we were married. In every situation, in business or in life, you just have to figure out the working relationship. We figured out how to both be productive, effective, and respectful of each other. At this stage, what motivates you to continue building your business? Tammy: Seeing people step into a leadership role and impact their world. I think people can do so much more than they realize. I can only do so much, but as I raise up another leader, there are going to be hundreds and thousands of lives that will be impacted because of the leadership of that person. Jim: I never want to live a life of being stagnant or complacent. We want to be productive and work. Ray Kroc said, “You’re either green and growing, or you’re ripe and rotten.” We want to always be growing and getting better. S Presidential Diamond Tips What advice would you give to someone who is trying to Why should someone want to reach reach Presidential Diamond? Presidential Diamond? Tammy: Moving forward to Presidential Diamond is just a natural progression of the relationship that we’ve built with our team. If we’re living life on purpose and always progressing, then there really isn’t a change—it’s just a matter of time. It’s about helping your team get to that substantial paycheck that actually makes a difference in their lives. Tammy: Sometimes people say, “I never want to do what you do because you’re so busy.” But, I have so much time with my grandkids. Jim and I are together practically every day. If I’m going crazy and not disciplining my hours or choosing where to invest my time wisely, that’s my own fault. Sometimes people think about building more than they’re actually building, and that is what makes them think it would be so hard to be a Presidential Diamond. When someone says, “I wouldn’t want to go Presidential Diamond” that’s like saying, “I’m going to stop having birthdays.” You don’t really stop—things are either moving forward or backward. Jim: You need to have that commitment to consistency over time and not become complacent or lethargic with your business-building activities. You just do the same type of activities as when you’re going Platinum. Jim: The greatest value in life is not what you get but what you become. Why would you want to stop right when you have the 4 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2016 *Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA 2014 Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterratools.com. Progress into Leadership Master yourself. “People need to first make a difference in their own lives, then their families’ lives. When they can master and lead themselves, then they can learn to lead other people.” Strengthen relationships. “Having strong relationships will help us grow into having stronger businesses. We have to learn to work together. That maturity is foundational.” Always improve. “We never expect to arrive at the perfect place. We have a lifetime of continual improvement ahead of us. We’re going to embrace it, not fight it.” Conquer internally. “Internal victories precede external ones. As people begin to have internal victories, they can move forward and become less self-centered.” Serve others. “We don’t need to become perfect or really good at something before we can add value to someone’s life. We just need to start loving people.” www.doterra.com 5