Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 38A Henriette Kalgraff | Page 13

“I feel like the hardest parts of this journey have been right before the magic happens, and knowing that often helps me want to do the work to move beyond it.”—Kayla Monson leadership position was feeling that I needed to duplicate myself and should show my leaders how to do it exactly like me,” she said. “As I have grown, I have realized this is the exact opposite of how I want to teach. I want them to embrace what they are good at and utilize their strengths; I want them to find the power that is within them.” Kayla is passionate about helping her leaders discover their “superpower” because of her own journey. She often found herself getting in the way of her own success. “I often feel that I don't deserve the success, that I am not enough and am not doing enough. Every step of this journey has required a new version of myself,” she explains. “And while I welcomed the self-growth, I didn't always know how to work through it.” She did work through it, using her experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist. She used affirmations, read books and listened to podcasts, prioritized self-care, and relied on essential oils, of course. Kayla now sees the magic in her experience. “Ultimately this business has stretched me, helped me find myself, and showed me true belonging in the relationships I have made. I have not only been able to find my passion, but I have also discovered my strengths and abilities. And I love that daily my girls get to see me work hard for my dreams and I get to show them the value of consistency, hard work, and not quitting when things get tough.” S U P P O R T I N G A G LO B A L T E A M “Although my builders are all around the world in three different countries—and I have yet to meet one of them—we are very close. Our community is my favorite part. We talk daily, we care for one another not only as business partners but as friends, and we share the responsibility of supporting our community. I love that my leaders allow me to be part of their life and confide in me what is going on with them personally. Each of them has had to overcome blocks and fears during their journey in this business.”—Kayla Monson Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com. doterra.com 13