Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 37B Marie-Kim Provencher | Page 13

YOU CAN DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS “Take the time to listen to your team and don’t confuse your vision with their vision.” “Don’t impose your vision onto your downline or upline. Instead, circle their vision in so that their vision becomes part of and just as important as your own.” “Look for the inspiration everywhere in this company because these are everyday people doing extraordinary things!” “I love helping people build and bring oils to help improve customers’ lives physically, mentally, and emotionally. That has an impact, a ripple effect—helping someone use the oils to support them, then helping them go out and share the oils to create an income, which changes not only their life, but their partner’s life, their children’s lives. This mutual benefit has a beautiful ripple effect.”—Jo Kendall Her husband was immediately touched put the signs up. I’ll be there with you; feel happy! But when I have to have by Jo’s enthusiasm. After talking I can drive you.’ He’s just so wonderfully a difficult conversation with a leader, with Tara Bliss about the business amazing! He constantly believes and I’ve found that leaning into that opportunity, she told her husband all supports me in creating this. He discomfort has made my comfort about it that night. Even though neither definitely is an awesome husband!” zone grow. I’m learning to become Jo sets sail in a way that reciprocates parts of the business because that’s of them understood what marketing was, Jo’s husband responded, “That’s comfortable with the uncomfortable wonderful! How can I support you? what she’s doing with her family What can I do to help you with this?’” and team. “This business has really me for the better because it’s allowed Jo says, “He’s still like that. I told him called on me to fully own who I am,” me to fully express who I am, and the other day that I want to do some Jo acknowledges. “I’ve always been a then as I do that, it helps my leaders markets this year, and he said, ‘Yeah, I’ll people-pleaser; I love making people do that as well.” Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com. where the growth is. I think it’s changed doterra.com 13