Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 37B Marie-Kim Provencher | Page 45

“An open personality, friendliness, and a smile work!”—Kendra Bamforth KENDRA’S DOS FOR BUSINESS with her to the playground was a really easy way to share. “You don’t have to speak the language, but if you smile and Embrace missteps. “Don’t look at mistakes as mistakes—they’re just learning experiences.” care, you don’t need words to share oils.” Sharing outside her native country had its ups and downs. “I would spend six months teaching classes, giving Use the oils. “ Even if I didn’t have the business, I would still use every single one of these products in my home.” presentations, and helping others. Then a baby came, or I had morning sickness, or we moved.” Post-partum depression after her third child set Kendra back for a few months. On top of that, she moved to Italy alone with three kids because her Acknowledge opportunities. “Even if you live in a small town and see people you know all the time in the grocery store, at the school, or in the park, don’t take for granted that you speak the same language and can share these amazing oils with them!” husband was already there for training. In times like these, Kendra lets her team help her. One of her top builders and mom, Mary Pat Schauermann, assists with samples and mailing while Kendra is away from the USA. Sister-in-law and another top builder on Kendra’s team, Lauren Schauermann, pairs up with Kendra when times get tough. “The teamwork aspect is exactly how it should be,” Kendra affirms. “It is fun to do this business as a family and watch each other succeed!” Thanks to her team, Kendra can keep bouncing back to her business despite the setbacks or language barriers. She loves paying forward the support she receives to other mothers and wives. Kendra is grateful for a business that allows her to prioritize her family, her husband’s career, and her passion for equipping other moms with the tools and freedom she has found in her dōTERRA ® business. Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com. doterra.com 45