Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 36 Dani and Ryan Smith | Page 25
“I understood very fast that working hard was not an option—it was the solution.
The power of building a successful business was in my hands.” —Audrey Laforge
er expectations were unreason
able, and she knew it. For the
last two years, Audrey expected her
husband to make dinner and clean
the house every day. She expected to
reach her rank every month, and she
expected praise and accolades for
putting in extra hours. She realized
that the worst thing she could do
for her business was expect the
impossible from her family, her team,
and especially herself. Her problematic
assumptions were bringing her down.
“You need to find your own happiness
and you need to be able to celebrate
yourself because this business is a
journey that belongs to you.” Once
Audrey started celebrating herself and
discovering her own happiness, a lot of
things changed in her and around her.
Now Audrey sacrifices some of her
work time to be a part of her family
so her husband isn’t carrying the
household load alone. “We had to sit
down and talk about the commitments
we would have to do to make things
work. We had to meet each other
halfway because I wasn’t the house-
wife anymore. I had my own business
and my own identity now.” Together,
the couple found an approach to
solving the problems of imbalance
and assumptions.
Her tenacity to problem-solve led
Audrey to the life motto “There are no
problems, only solutions to problems.”
Audrey doesn’t remember a time that
she gave up trying to solve a problem,
and she certainly hasn't given up on
adjusting her expectations because
they haven’t disappeared altogether.
“I still have some expectations and
feel disappointed. But I realized it can
also happen the other way around: I
can disappoint people.” Committing
to no longer disappointing herself and
others, Audrey started trying to live in
the present moment, detaching herself
from situations that were not a priority,
and trusting her team and herself one
hundred percent.
As a Diamond leader, Audrey loves
connecting with those around her and
getting to know her team members.
“I believe in every one of my leaders,
and I am very grateful to have them
on my team.” Audrey values audacity,
authenticity, and determination, so
she strives to help her team acquire
these attributes by listening closely
to their aspirations. “I always make sure
to know what their objectives are so
I can be of better service to their
goals and desires.”
Another change was promising herself
to be in love with life. “I think that every
human being is capable of bringing a
special light to another and I want to
be part of this exchange. I want to offer
an enriched and authentic experience
to every human being I meet. I want
to make life better for everyone.” By
adjusting her expectations for herself,
her family, and her team, this bold
problem-solver can now focus on
happiness, balance, and excellence.
“Every decision I make in life will
influence my future. I am not
scared of taking risks because
I believe life should be lived in
freedom and harmony.”
“I am true and sincere to myself
and my personality so I can be a
great ally for my team members.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.
“I want to be an inspiring leader.
I want to help others build a
healthy lifestyle and change
their lives for the best.”