Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 35 Martin | Page 4
Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Zackary and Stephanie Martin
“Presidential Diamond isn’t a rank reserved for geniuses and world-renowned public speakers. I know
this because I am far from both of those things. It is reserved for people who wake up every day and
say ‘Fear…let's dance.’ If you are reading this, then this is your sign. Face that fear. Do it shaking, do it
throwing up and trembling, but do it anyway. Be fearless, my friend. You were born to shine, not hide.”
compensation plan, mission statement, their humanitarian
efforts, and why they believed so much in something called
Co-Impact Sourcing ® . This company was different, very
different, and I liked that. They weren't flashy. They didn't
incentivize us with money, houses, and cars. It wasn't the
typical "live the dream" lifestyle that so many companies
advertise. Instead, dōTERRA emphasized service over sales.
They encouraged and empowered their Wellness Advocates
to become debt free. Their message was that your worth is
not determined by your rank or title, but your potential and
power to help change lives.
I recognized this as an opportunity I had to seize because any
company that leads from the heart will only go one place, and
that's up. I saw a picture of what this could be and of what
these little brown bottles could do. I started getting calls left and
right from people telling me how the oils have changed their
lives and that is when I decided that my journey with dōTERRA
wasn't something I wanted to approach half-heartedly. This was
it. This was a movement and I needed to be a part of it.
Driven by the dream of freedom
Zackery was up for reenlistment the following year and I knew
the second he signed his name on that dotted line that we
were about to see another year-long deployment. Blackhawk
pilot equals deployment pilot. Knowing what was in store, this
Army wife had the strongest motivation and drive to succeed
in this business. I knew that if I worked hard, my husband
wouldn’t be signing that dotted line again. These little brown
bottles were going to bring my pilot home, for good. From that
day forward, I decided to jump in with both feet.
Where the road began
month, but it wasn’t until I started researching the company
When I started my dōTERRA ® business four years ago, I
couldn’t see that God was opening up a life-changing path for
that I began to recognize the possibilities dōTERRA had to offer.
Zackery and me. I was a stay-at-home mom, living a thousand
miles away from family and looking for something fun I could Discovering the dōTERRA difference
do to bring in a little extra money each month. Sure, I loved Before signing on as a builder, I wanted to be sure I was
the oils, and it would be great to have my order paid for each
choosing the right company. I researched dōTERRA’s
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.
If there is anything I want you to understand about me, it’s
that I am an everyday girl who decided to get really good
at one simple thing—teaching classes. It wasn’t easy, but I
was fueled by the freedom that this incredible company had
to offer me and my family. Freedom to me does not mean
working for 45 years until retirement or waiting an entire year
for a 50 cent raise. Freedom is time. You will never get back
yesterday. I love waking up every day, looking at my husband,
and asking, “What shall we do today?”
This is freedom.