Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 35 Martin | Page 12
Veronique Golloher
eronique’s journey to Diamond to fall back on or to hide behind. Gold, and finally, to Diamond. “I had to would cling to excuses, like the fact that
began in the darkness of self- I couldn’t make excuses if I wanted believe that I am inspiring, that people I am shy and talking to people scares
doubt. While she believed in the power to continue advancing. I had to start want to follow me because I have me. I had a more passive, negative
of dōTERRA essential oils, Veronique believing my time and mentoring something to offer, and that I can attract outlook on life that kept me from
couldn’t fully embrace her own power efforts were worth something.” powerful, business-minded women chasing my dreams. I am not that person
because I am one of them.” anymore. I like myself and I welcome
that beyond representing an amazing With a brighter perspective on my team now, not because I need them
company and incredible products, she her dōTERRA journey, Veronique to succeed for my sake, but because
“It wasn’t until I was faced with growing was also adding value to people’s lives appreciates the blessings of the intense I am excited for the journey they are
this business by myself that I realized in a unique and powerful way. Her personal growth she experiences every on. I am eager and happy to help them
how little I valued my own worth,” she blossoming confidence in her own worth day. “I used to hide behind excuses and become the best versions of themselves
remembers. “Suddenly, I had no one is what catapulted her from Silver to a gloomy outlook on life. The old me and learn to shine too!”
to unlock her dreams and achieve her
goals. Looking back, she can see how
she was her own biggest roadblock.
Slowly, Veronique began to believe
changes and challenges. I enjoy leading
“We ask ourselves, ‘Who am
I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, and fabulous?’
Actually, who are you not to
be? You are a child of God. Your
playing small does not serve
the world. There is nothing
enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel
insecure around you. We are all
meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in
everyone. And, as we let our own
light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to
do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.”
—Marianne Williamson
Images by Hipnotik Photography
Claim your own brilliance. “I used to be full of fear—hiding behind excuses.
But one day I realized I didn’t want to live that way anymore. Now, I feel like
I am letting my light shine. I am so much more confident than I used to be.
I like myself more than I did before this journey!”
Dream big. “You can always change. You are never stuck. Believe there is
always a way to uplevel. If you embrace the possibilities, you will come out
of hiding and make big things happen!”
Keep perspective on the journey. “You can learn all there is to learn about
the oils, leadership, even successful closing techniques, but you can still miss
the mark. This journey is about growing into the best version of yourself.
Embrace the opportunity.”
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