Some people don ’ t want to reach Presidential Diamond because of how hard and stressful it seems . Why should someone want to reach it ?
Adheesh : Everybody needs to know their reason why they want to take this journey . Everyone has their unique motivations and their own timing ; we ’ ve learned to respect that on our team . The rewards of becoming Presidential Diamond are huge . Celebrating your leaders and helping them enter the rank of Platinum or beyond is a more joyous experience than being celebrated yourself . Financially you have the ability to give back to projects of your choice . Your influence to make this a better world and leave a legacy has gone to the next level . But the biggest reward is your inner journey — the person you had to become to reach this lofty goal . You will not only become more business-savvy and more creative , but also more humble and wiser .
What advice would you give to someone who is trying to reach Presidential Diamond ?
Adheesh : Find your Why and share it with your team . Reconnect with that goal daily and believe you can achieve it , even if you don ’ t know how . Use oils and other self-care practices daily to anchor yourself . Think , act , and feel like a Presidential Diamond today . When you face a challenge ,
Santoshi : Achieving Presidential Diamond gives you a great sense of achievement . The opportunity to give back and serve is achievable , if you want it . Presidential Diamond gives you the opportunity to influence so many people and create a legacy , which is so humbling . The opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and experience life in a way that you never thought possible is very real .
How has this business changed your life ?
Adheesh : Since we started eight years ago , our lives have changed dramatically . The financial rewards have allowed us to build our dream home near one of the most beautiful beaches in the world . We travel the world supporting our team , and at the same time enjoying the beauty of different countries and their cultures . We feel secure regarding our own needs for retirement . We are healthier than ever . We have many friends worldwide and feel happy to be a part of such an amazing community . We have gone many steps farther to becoming the best versions of ourselves , even though there is so much more to become and do .
Santoshi : I am so grateful . Grateful that we were given the opportunity to have a residual income , to give back to Cō-Impact Sourcing ® and the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation ® , and to leave a legacy of supporting thousands of people to become financially independent . We have choice in our lives . We can choose to live outside that comfort zone or inside the comfort zone . We have the freedom of choice that we didn ’ t have in our previous businesses . The only challenge I have is my own mind and my own pusher that tells me I ' m not doing enough , but that ’ s just my journey and my personal development . keep asking , " What else can I do ?’ Finally , be ready to forgive yourself and others multiple times on the journey .
Santoshi : Don ’ t give up . Stay the path . Stay consistent . Take care of yourself . Take care of your leaders . Don ’ t ever stop enrolling . Don ’ t ever stop doing the business . There were so many times we wanted to give up and throw in the towel , but we didn ' t . We had to look at how to stay relevant , and we had to remind ourselves about the end goal . It ’ s not about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow . No , it ’ s really about seeing our leaders succeed .
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 5