Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Nick and Jeanette Fransen
for classes! But my Why—helping my child—is the greatest Some people don’t want to reach Presidential Diamond
motivation a parent could have. because of how hard and stressful it seems. What are
I also built my business while dealing with my own significant the benefits of this rank? Why should someone want
health challenges—issues that were nearly debilitating. At to reach it?
times, I had to take time out to get medical attention, but I was While it is true that reaching the rank of Presidential Diamond
determined to find a way to get better. In the meantime, when is going to involve work and stress, I have found that being
I went back to places where I had enrolled people and heard Presidential is easier than any other rank because of the
how the oils had so blessed their lives, I felt compelled to resources and the leaders available to help you. I don’t
continue building so others would find similar help. It was so think anyone really avoids stress or work by not going for
motivating to me to see how the oils and the business could Presidential. This rank can give you the freedom to create a
profoundly change people’s lives for the better. life you have only dreamed about. Moreover, if you are driven
by helping others, remember that you can help and influence
What advice would you give to someone who
is trying to reach Presidential Diamond?
First, have a good support system, especially for those times
more people at this level.
At this stage, what motivates you to continue
when you feel like quitting. My sisters and my mom are on building your business?
my front line. They have backed me up, talked me down, and The reason I went from Blue to Presidential was to better help
cheered me on through the good and the bad times. Second, other families with special needs, children in the developing
take consistent action. Teach classes and enroll new people. world, and most of all, single mothers of special needs
While doing that, keep track of your business. Know how many children. It is extremely hard to be a special needs parent and
people you and your leaders and builders are enrolling. If even more so when a partner leaves upon finding out their
things are not growing, try something different. Reach out to child isn’t typical. I wish I could say this was not so prevalent,
leaders in other organizations for ideas and collaboration as but unfortunately, it is.
well. Set small attainable goals and celebrate those small wins.
Additionally, and very importantly, work with the sharers in
your organization. I know a Blue Diamond who built her whole
organization on sharers. Help your sharers; I have seen many
sharers turn into builders with help and encouragement from
their upline. Finally, never give up. Focus on what this business
gives you. The freedom to do what you want, when you want,
how you want, and helping those you want is one of the
What were the biggest hurdles you overcame on the in my kids’ lives, I just told myself that I was doing this for a
way to Presidential Diamond? relatively short period of time so that in the future I could be
Throughout this process, I have experienced “mom guilt” when completely present for my children. I remained hyper focused
I was working a lot and missed moments in my children’s
lives. When I started this business, I was motivated primarily
by the desire to create the financial means to give my special
needs son the medical and educational attention that would
maximize his growth and abilities. When I did miss something
on getting my business up as fast as possible. I did a lot of
things beyond my comfort level, like speaking in front of a
crowd, asking numerous health practitioners and spa owners
for a place to hold classes, and traveling long distances from
my home. I even slept in my car one night while traveling
Images by Dominque Labrecque Photo
greatest gifts this rank will provide.
How has this business changed your life?
Our dōTERRA business made it possible for our son, who
has many health issues, to get the treatments and attention
that he needs. It's made it possible for us to help many more
families in the same spot we have been in. I really love to
help others and am all about living a life that most people
only dream of. We live in San Diego with amazing views of the
ocean. We go surfing and are able to have a private teacher
for our son who needed to be home schooled. Every 6-12
"Have a good support system, especially for
those times when you feel like quitting. My sisters
and my mom are on my front line. They have
backed me up, talked me down, and cheered me
on through the good and the bad times."
months I create a dream board. This last time I updated my
dream board I put up a picture of an oil supply store and
decided to open an oil tool store that gives back to charity to
help sick kids.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on