Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Adheesh Piel & Santoshi Stone
Some people don’t want to reach Presidential What advice would you give to someone who is
Diamond because of how hard and stressful it trying to reach Presidential Diamond?
seems. Why should someone want to reach it? Adheesh: Find your Why and share it with your team.
Reconnect with that goal daily and believe you can achieve
it, even if you don’t know how. Use oils and other self-care
practices daily to anchor yourself. Think, act, and feel like a
Presidential Diamond today. When you face a challenge,
Adheesh: Everybody needs to know their reason why
they want to take this journey. Everyone has their unique
motivations and their own timing; we’ve learned to respect
that on our team. The rewards of becoming Presidential
Diamond are huge. Celebrating your leaders and helping
them enter the rank of Platinum or beyond is a more joyous
experience than being celebrated yourself. Financially you
have the ability to give back to projects of your choice. Your
influence to make this a better world and leave a legacy has
gone to the next level. But the biggest reward is your inner
journey—the person you had to become to reach this lofty
goal. You will not only become more business-savvy and more
creative, but also more humble and wiser.
Santoshi: Achieving Presidential Diamond gives you a great
sense of achievement. The opportunity to give back and serve
is achievable, if you want it. Presidential Diamond gives you
the opportunity to influence so many people and create a
legacy, which is so humbling. The opportunity to step outside
your comfort zone and experience life in a way that you never
thought possible is very real.
How has this business changed your life?
Adheesh: Since we started eight years ago, our lives have
changed dramatically. The financial rewards have allowed
us to build our dream home near one of the most beautiful
beaches in the world. We travel the world supporting our
team, and at the same time enjoying the beauty of different
countries and their cultures. We feel secure regarding
our own needs for retirement. We are healthier than
ever. We have many friends worldwide and feel happy
to be a part of such an amazing community. We have
gone many steps farther to becoming the best versions
of ourselves, even though there is so much more to
become and do.
What was the biggest hurdle you overcame
on the way to Presidential Diamond?
Adheesh: It has been a challenge to work together as a
team toward a common goal. We’ve experienced a lot of
misunderstanding and miscommunication, but along with
that we developed resilience. You can’t take things personally,
and rather than being righteous, why not look for solutions
to help the team move forward?
Santoshi: When we were Blue Diamonds, I had to come to
a clear understanding of who we were, so we could develop
our strengths and our team through our strengths, and not
our weaknesses. The process of achieving this was to dig deep
inside and examine myself and my Why. Once I understood
this, organic growth came in our personal development,
and understanding and looking at the gifts of our leaders.
Santoshi: I am so grateful. Grateful that we were given
the opportunity to have a residual income, to give back
to Cō-Impact Sourcing ® and the dōTERRA Healing Hands
Foundation ® , and to leave a legacy of supporting thousands
of people to become financially independent. We have choice
in our lives. We can choose to live outside that comfort zone
or inside the comfort zone. We have the freedom of choice
that we didn’t have in our previous businesses. The only
challenge I have is my own mind and my own pusher that
tells me I'm not doing enough, but that’s just my journey
and my personal development.
keep asking, "What else can I do?’ Finally, be ready to forgive
yourself and others multiple times on the journey.
Santoshi: Don’t give up. Stay the path. Stay consistent. Take
care of yourself. Take care of your leaders.