God granted me this opportunity to
share gifts from the Earth to solve
the problems I didn’t really know I
had at the time.
Jaime Hinojosa and Cecilia Moreno
friend, Cynthia. The way I saw it, I was
trading my career treating mouths and
teeth for an opportunity to treat hearts,
and that made me happier.”
Cecilia’s decision was made, and
the new arrangement seemed to
be working smoothly until personal
hardship hit the women at the helm
FAITH: We believe that if we trust our decisions to God,
He will bless our path, no matter what the outcome.
With God there can always be a positive result.
SACRIFICE: We sacrificed time and activities, knowing
in our hearts that the time we invest on our business
today will return as free time in the future.
ENDURANCE: dōTERRA is not a speed race, but an
endurance race. Your Why is the only thing that will
help you keep moving through adversity and spark the
creativity you need to succeed.
of Cecilia’s office. Cynthia was called
away to the U.S. to be with her gravely
ill mother, and Kimberly left the office
after the birth of her baby. “The two
key people running my office left in the
same year, and I felt like my world was
falling apart,” remembers Cecilia. "I was
tempted to leave my dōTERRA dream
so my dental could survive this crisis.”
However, after consulting with her
husband and partner Jaime, Cecilia
knew this was not the time to look
The Value of Vision
back. Leveraging her strength of focus,
she pushed herself to achieve the goals
with her team and still treat patients
in the dental office only once a week.
With the help of four bright leaders on
her dōTERRA team—Angela, Claudia,
The transition out of her dental practice After graduating fourth in her university into building wasn’t easy. Cecilia says, “I class, she opened her own dental office knew that if I wanted to be a successful and had scores of happy and devoted leader in dōTERRA, I needed to dedicate patients. But now, she found herself enough time to my business. So, I looking down a non-traditional career gradually scaled back my work in the path with dōTERRA and wondering if dental office until I was working on my she would succeed. “Is it wise to discard patients only one day a week.” This was all the time and money I invested in my difficult for her patients to understand dental career?” she asked herself. “What and some criticized her of neglecting considering closing her dental practice if this new business doesn’t work? Can her practice to sell oils. Despite at the time. We still have a long way
to pursue her dream of succeeding I go back to dentistry?” Despite these others’ perceptions, Cecilia remained to go before we achieve our ultimate
in her dōTERRA ® business. But she heavy questions, Cecilia felt joy and determined. “I knew I would move goals, but we are certainly on our way,
wondered what people would think of hope at the possibility of making her forward no matter what. I entrusted my trusting in our divine Pilot who placed
her. After all, she was only familiar with family dreams come true with dōTERRA. entire dental practice to my college and us on this wonderful path.”
Cynthia, and Sandra—Cecilia and Jaime
the traditional standards of success.
“My decision to leave my dental
practice to build this business was
difficult. I hope our story gives extra
courage to others who are facing
similar crossroads. Leave behind
what you have now so you can
achieve your dreams.” —Cecilia
fter 13 years as a health care
professional, Cecilia was
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on
finally hit Diamond.
“I like to say that dōTERRA came into
our lives providentially,” says Cecilia. “I
look back and recognize that I couldn’t
have sustained the rigorous work of
my dental practice for much longer.
God granted me this opportunity to
share gifts from the Earth to solve the
problems I didn’t really know I had