Kevin & Amanda Rahija
“Kevin is my rock, my
organized, logical,
analytical, structured,
Excel spreadsheet
kind of guy—the
complete opposite of
me. He balances me
and challenges me to
look at things from a
different perspective.”
t age 29, Amanda Rahija’s life was and had a stressful job as a supervisor she was able to take her experience
turned upside-down by a serious of foster homes across southern and channel it into helping others live
health concern. She had thought Ontario. She says, “To be honest, I healthier lives.
she was living a healthy lifestyle, but didn’t want to add something else to now she made major changes in her my plate.” Eventually, she caved and diet and lifestyle to help her body be agreed to hold a class. When 10 people healthier. During this journey, she enrolled, she got excited and became heard about essential oils but never an active sharer of the oils. driving force in the beginning. I needed
When the company Amanda worked I could do something I loved each day
tried them.
for restructured, she found herself
Several years later, Amanda was a
survivor of her health concern and still
interested in any kind of healthy living
when she attended her first dōTERRA
class. After doing some research, she
in the job market. Despite other job
offers, she decided this was her chance
to take her dōTERRA business to the
next level. She says, “My only regret
Amanda’s husband, Kevin, was fully
supportive of her decision, though he
had doubts. She says, “This was my
to prove to myself and to Kevin that
and that it would replace my former
paycheck.” She participated in Diamond
Club twice and through lots of hard
work was able to reach Diamond.
was I didn’t do this sooner. After my “Since my health problem, I have come
health setback, I wanted my life to be to believe that everything happens in
normal and easy. I wanted to go back life for a reason,” Amanda says, “and we
natural lifestyle. to doing the things that I enjoyed. But either take that experience and find the
there were so many things inside me, positives and make an impact, or we
Still, every time her upline asked if she that I learned through my experiences, ignore the messages that life is giving
wanted to do the business, Amanda and I felt I needed to share.” Through us. I chose to listen and be a positive
told her no. She was a social worker her dōTERRA business, Amanda felt light in the world.”
enrolled. As she learned more and
experimented with the oils, over time
she found they complemented her
Build up sharers Invest and inspire Support action
“I hit the rank of Diamond with me
building dōTERRA full time with my
team of beautiful sharers. I believe
all we need is a group of people who
want to share and find others that
want to share. I always ask people to
share and host a class and offer the
opportunity to make at least a little
money, and if they want, more.” “I believe strong leaders will emerge
if you keep investing in them and
inspiring them to dream. It’s my job
to keep putting myself out there to
find those people, connect, and build
relationships so they want to do what
I do. It brings me so much joy to see
my leaders in their element of joy and
loving what they are doing.” “I pour my heart and time into those
who are taking action at any given
moment and support these people to
reach their goals. It motivates them to
keep going, while allowing others the
rest or time they need. It also keeps
me working within a realm of positive
energy. I don’t feel like I am pushing
or forcing people.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on