David & Abigial Gonzales
Golden Time of Growth
hen one of her childhood friends pursuing the dōTERRA business and Abigail and David have worked as a
invited her to a dōTERRA ® class, asked if Abigail would be interested in team to build their business, each filling
Abigail Gonzales decided to attend, doing the same. As Abigail remembers, different roles to ensure that their
even though she didn’t know much she replied, “I might as well!” business life and family life can both
class, Abigail began using DigestZen ® Her propensity for teaching and love for on the finances, media, networking,
and had her first real experience with the oils made for a smooth transition and leadership development, while
an essential oil product. According to into the business side of dōTERRA for Abigail does most of the education and
Abigail, using DigestZen transformed Abigail. She says, “I started to share product training. They trade off with
her life and the way that she thought and build because I knew people traveling so that one of them can always
about essential oils. needed these oils. dōTERRA gave me be home with their four children.
about essential oils. After attending the
In college, Abigail was a dance major
and has spent her life dancing and
teaching dance all over Texas. She
went on to get her Pilates certification
and has been able to teach a variety
of fitness classes. Because teaching
and wellness were already two of her
passions, it was easy for Abigail to
share essential oils with others. While
she started out as an enthusiastic
customer, she says that she became a
dōTERRA business builder without even
realizing it because she loved inviting
the ability to live a life I never thought
was possible. There is way too much
potential to bless people and not to do
so would have been entirely selfish and
not worthy of this gift given to us.”
As Abigail advanced in rank with
dōTERRA, eventually her husband,
David, would come to be a big part of
her business. Together, the Gonzales
family worked to build up their dōTERRA
business and align their purposes with
the dōTERRA mission. Abigail says,
work properly. David works primarily
While Abigail has had major support
from her husband and her team, things
“The dōTERRA business opportunity has the potential to bring freedom and blessings into people's lives.
The business model is incredibly strong, and the company stands for things that we can align with.”
were not always easy on the road to
Diamond. After several setbacks, Abigail
was able to reach Diamond on her third
attempt; however, she cherishes the
difficult circumstances that allowed her
to rise to this challenge. When thinking
back on her journey to Diamond she
says, “We needed those experiences so