“Now I can have a flexible
career that I love and enjoy."
Bill & Jody Hoffman
A Responsibility to Share
Expanding your circle. “Each time we found we were missing something in our business and our lives, we looked for
someone who had it. Our circle grew and grew, and we were able, in most cases, to give back as well.”
Teamwork. “Engage, motivate, and inspire your team to work together towards a common goal. We are not Diamond…
our whole team is.”
ody Hoffman found herself sur- oils from the beginning, Jody felt a pursue the business, or even share the oils In addition to her past experience with business in the beginning by providing their son, Sam, is a dōTERRA Elite, and
rounded by thousands of dōTERRA ® little overwhelmed at the prospect of openly. They finally decided to share the network marketing, Jody had also worked her with support at home. By getting the their other children love using dōTERRA
Wellness Advocates in the Salt Lake City participating in the dōTERRA business. oils with a friend who they thought could as an educator. With her knowledge of kids ready for school, running errands, products on a regular basis.
airport the day after convention in 2015. While she had previous experience use them and were amazed at the impact network marketing and her teaching doing laundry, and cooking, Bill helped Upon boarding her flight, Jody realized with a network marketing company, it made in their friend’s life. Jody says, “We skills, it was easy to teach classes, coach Jody focus on her business goals by that there were dozens of people on the she wasn’t sure that the business realized that we couldn’t keep doing this builders, and tackle several other aspects allowing her to devote more time and plane wearing dōTERRA gear—giving her opportunity was for her. She remembers, behind closed doors. We clearly under- of her new business. energy to her dōTERRA business. a memorable (and potent) first impres- “I thought that you had to be a certain stood our responsibility to make sure sion of the company. Surrounded by type of person to ‘do oils.’ I didn’t think that everyone we loved knew the possi- It didn’t take long for Bill to recognize Bill is now retired and operates the all the choices are yours. I wanted to
Wellness Advocates, Jody had an oppor- there was a place for me in the bilities for their own health and wellness.” how much Jody loved her dōTERRA dōTERRA business full time with Jody, send all six of our kids to college and
tunity to learn about what essential oils dōTERRA business.” With a new-found excitement for sharing business—and how much fun she was and they have been able to achieve retire my husband, and we’ve created
having with her team. While he would goals, both within their business and a financial pipeline that is already
eventually leave his job and join Jody in in their family life. They look forward accomplishing those goals. Whatever
the business, Bill helped Jody build her to exciting possibilities in their future you’re looking for, dōTERRA has a
with their dōTERRA business. Currently, place for you.”
were and how they could be used.
Although Jody and her husband, Bill,
were comfortable using essential
Providing solutions. “Have personalized, focused conversations with people you know you can help. Show how dōTERRA
products makes your life better and establish yourself as an expert on natural solutions, rather than an oil salesperson.”
Jody and Bill continued to use essential oils
in their home but didn’t intend to
the oils, Jody dove into the business side
of dōTERRA.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.
When reflecting on her dōTERRA
journey, Jody says, “This business allows
you to do anything you want to do. The
door of opportunity is wide open, and