Johnny & Gail Williams
Fueled by Passion
“The answer was simple. dōTERRA products worked faster, smelled far better,
and required less oil to produce results than the other brands I tried.”
her home and decided to take a more extra money. At the time, she had
natural approach. Her daughter then no intention of jumping into the
connected her with someone who was business or starting a new career.
using dōTERRA products, thinking that She remembers, “At our ages, starting
her mom would be interested in what a new career was the farthest thing
the oils could offer. Once Gail realized from our minds, but it didn’t take long
that essential oils had such a wide variety to realize what a gold mine we had
of uses, she decided to give them a try; stumbled into.”
however, she was prepared to put the
oils to the test to make sure they were
the right thing for her and her family.
she was simply looking for some natural
to dōTERRA ® essential oils, she solutions for her home and family. Gail
wasn’t anticipating her lifestyle and had recently become more conscious
perspective would change so completely; about the products she was using in
from a sales standpoint but, rather, as
she tried other essential oil brands be teaching people about the potential
so she could formulate her own benefits of essential oils and how they
opinions about the best oils to use could be used to transform wellness
in her household. After testing the within the home. With Gail’s passion for
competitors, Gail found that she people fueling her efforts, becoming a
appreciated not only the quality of builder was not about making sales but
dōTERRA products, but she felt that about serving and helping others. It is
dōTERRA had integrity as a company, upon this foundation that she built a
and represented a mission that aligned strong, thriving business.
Today, Gail and Johnny are working
Remembering some of her early side by side. Gail calls Johnny the “front
experiences with dōTERRA products, Gail man” of their business because he
says, “The answer was simple: dōTERRA can connect with and relate to others
products worked faster, smelled far easily, while she refers to herself as a
better, and required less oil to produce “whirlwind” because she is constantly
results than the other brands I tried.” moving, sweeping people up in her
enjoyed the oils, Gail decided to enroll
a few people, in hopes of paying for
her oils and maybe making a little
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on
up! There will be times when it
looks like you are going to crash,
and you will want to give up.
Don’t! Usually, the very next day
your perspective can change,
and you’ll have a completely
different outlook. Before you
quit, just take a breath.”
Gail didn’t view the dōTERRA business
an education venue. She was thrilled to
After discovering how much she
RELATIONSHIPS: “It’s not about
you, not about your abilities,
and definitely not about the
‘sale.’ It is, however, all about the
other person. It’s about helping
others. Let them talk. Let them
tell you what they need and
want. We have the answers!”
Because she was a product user first,
In the beginning, Gail admits that
with her personal values and vision.
hen Gail Williams was introduced
WHEN FOLLOWING UP: “Fortune is in the
follow-up, right? If you don’t follow up, you
are throwing away that person’s chance to
change not only their own life but the many
lives that they can potentially touch. Always
touch base with the person by giving them
a tip, or just say hello within a couple of
days of the first contact. Then, always leave
them with a question to answer so you can
continue the communication.”
realm of influence. Gail loves to
brainstorm new ideas for the business
and is constantly sharing the power
and purity of the oils with everyone
she meets. Together, the Williamses
have worked to build a business dōTERRA is a personal development
they are proud of. Gail says, “We company wrapped up in an essential oil
recommend the dōTERRA business company. The truth of that statement is
opportunity to others, because it is evident by the beauty we now enjoy in
literally life changing. We often say that our lives.”