“ Our polar opposite skill sets and strengths have been a complement to the business .” – Daniel were at . Thankfully , that maintenance allowed the business to pick back up again once we were able to return our energy and focus to the business .” They managed to succeed , even through the difficulties and messiness of life .
Isabel is originally from the Philippines and three out of the Calkins ’ four adopted children are also Filipino , so naturally this family has a deep-rooted desire to extend their influence for good to the Philippines . Because of the freedom and opportunity they found through dōTERRA , they can see their dream of doing missionary work in Filipino orphanages coming true . Speaking of their business , Isabel says , “ It ’ s not about the money ; it ’ s about knowing we can impact more people . We have a love for people and a mission that is bigger than ourselves .”
OVERCOME OBSTACLES . “ Fear blocks anybody from success . Overcoming that is the number one thing that can take anybody wherever they want to go in this business . We work to lead people past those obstacles to a greater vision for themselves . We pinpoint anything that may be holding them back and bust through those so they can taste the success . Anyone can do this if they don ’ t set selfdefeating limitations .” – Daniel
DON ’ T MAKE EXCUSES . “ Life is messy and it ’ s going to get in the way . It ’ s easier to say , it ’ s not a good time to build a dōTERRA business because you ’ re dealing with something . Here ’ s the thing — even when you have life happening , you still have to go to work . You still have to show up . You can ’ t tell your employer you ’ re going through something so you can ’ t make it . We took the same approach . We still showed up for dōTERRA , even though it wasn ’ t ideal .” – Isabel
BELIEVE IN YOUR MIND . “ It ’ s really about believing . All too often people get stuck in a rank because they don ’ t think they can be Diamond .” – Isabel “ We had the Diamond mindset several months before we officially got the rank . Committing to that mindset empowered us to get the necessary skills , training , education , and experience to be Diamond .” – Daniel
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 19