Anthony & Alison Bartolo
amily has been the driving force
behind Anthony and Alison’s uphill
climb to Diamond. In fact, the couple’s
children insisted on walking the Dia-
mond carpet with their parents because
they are “a Diamond family.” Alison will
attest that her little "munchkins" are
integral to the business. “They help
create videos for social media,” she
says, “and they keep us on track with
our manifestations and affirmations
taped to our bathroom mirror. Nothing
keeps you accountable quite like a nine-
year-old brimming with belief in you.”
However, the Bartolos’ success as
builders came in the wake of Alison’s
internal struggle with network marketing.
Alison and her family loved the oils but, in
her own words, “The idea of selling to my
friends felt so uncomfortable that even
when friends approached me to buy a
product, I would feel embarrassed and
instead give the oils away!”
The critical moment came one day when
she realized that beneath the fear of
sharing a product was a powerful, soulful
why. “My purpose,” Alison explains, “is
to play an integral role in the global shift
towards true wellness, and once I figured
that out, I’ve been empowered to move
forward. It feels incredible to have such
a purpose, to so easily actualize it, and to
be financially rewarded in the process.”
Until last April, the Bartolos owned a
café. “We loved it; we really did,” Alison
recalls. “For seven years we put every-
thing we had into it—financially, logisti-
cally, emotionally.” However, as she and
Anthony forecasted increasing wages,
sky-rocketing rent, overhead, product
costs, and growing competition, the
family wondered if the future they envi-
sioned could ever be realized. So, with
tested trust in the product and faith in
the company, the couple considered
taking the leap into building. “Looking
at the dōTERRA ® compensation plan
and seeing the success of others, we
knew that with time and our grit, we
could create the life we wanted.”
After balancing the café, family, and a
growing oil business, the Bartolos
faced a turning point in their family’s
future. “When Diamond was in sight and
the time was right, we sold our business
and committed to full-time focus on
supporting our vibrant tribe of oil-lovers
and fellow builders,” says Alison. With
their children in mind, they called their
new venture, "Healthy Munchkins."
“Building a dōTERRA business isn't easy. It's simple,
but it's not easy. Whatever lesson you're meant to be
learning in life, your dōTERRA business will magnify
it and throw it in your face, so you are forced to grow
as a person and come out stronger on the other side!
It's much like being a first-time parent—each age/
rank comes with new challenges, experiences,
and utter joys!”
Now the Bartolo family has expanded
to include that tribe of associates.
Alison explains, “Diamond isn’t just
about our little family. You can’t achieve
it without amazing individuals on every
side. Our team is filled with avid oil
lovers, authentic sharers, and inspiring
leaders—each plays a critical role.”
In the months leading up to hitting
Diamond, Alison and Anthony’s team
executed a strategy that was nothing
short of epic. Alison explains, “We
launched several huge initiatives
simultaneously and, in hindsight, it
was way too much! Our team leaders
are each time-poor—students, moth-
ers, full-time employees at other jobs,
business owners, shift workers, etc.—
but each of them readily and valuably
contributed with such grace. We just
feel so full of gratitude to be supported
by remarkable leaders.”
Their dōTERRA business has given
Anthony and Alison freedom to live
the family-centric life they have always
wanted. “We are so grateful to be
truly living and loving our life and
for having the time and freedom to
enjoy our children while they are still
little munchkins.”
“I had paralyzing fears and blocks about every
aspect of the business. However, we decided to take
it on, and the more we learned about the oils, the
company, the people, and the impact, the clearer it
became that what initially seemed logistically difficult
was part of something so much more relevant and
meaningful than we even realized.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on
“Nothing keeps you accountable
quite like a nine-year-old brimming
with belief in you.”