Chloe Hilton-Clow
The Abundant Life
s Chloe puts it, “divine timing” support system. It’s been so beautiful to the table. We learn from each other
led her to her upline, Tara Bliss. watching him finally embrace and and grow together as a collective.”
As a beauty therapist, Chloe had been understand the importance of my
approached by many direct sales dōTERRA journey, both professionally
companies in the industry; however, and personally.”
none of the products aligned with her
Looking into the future, Chloe finds
her motivation to keep building in the
tangible impact she can have for good.
Chloe’s children also appreciate the Whether it’s the product impacting the
beauty of the business. “Oh, my kids lives of users, the business blessing
are obsessed with the oils!” Chloe the lives of builders, or the dōTERRA
shares. “Although I have an abundance Healing Hands Foundation ® and
Initially, it was the product that of oils in our family collection, they Cō-Impact Sourcing ® humanitarian
captivated Chloe. Her background in still request their own. They have their efforts, Chloe is proud to be a part of a
natural health, beauty, and pharmacy favorites, and they probably know as company that affects positive change,
had given her the foundational much about them as I do!” health, and happiness.
Beyond the encouragement of her Chloe is clear about her why. “I aim to
family, Chloe deeply values the create the life I dream of and deserve.
friendship and support of her friends. I want to show my children that they
Her mother and best friend have been can do the same; they don’t have to
constant sources of love and positivity conform to the nine-to-five paradigm.
in Chloe’s life. Likewise, dōTERRA I want to be abundant and prosperous
has introduced to her new life-long so I can freely give from the overflow
values, passions, and lifestyle. Then Chloe
discovered some bottles of dōTERRA ®
essential oils and she was hooked.
knowledge to recognize the purity
and power of dōTERRA oils. But
after a few months of enjoying the
products, Chloe’s enthusiasm for
the product overflowed into natural
sharing opportunities, and soon
she felt her interest shifting to the
business opportunity.
relationships. “My upline, Tara Bliss, has of my success. To create real change
While Chloe is now encircled by her been such a stable support for me. Her in the world with that abundance
supportive partner, children, and mentoring and friendship pulled me brings me so much joy, and I remain
friends, it took time for people to catch through some tough times, for which committed to empowering women.
her vision of what was possible with I am so grateful!” Some of Chloe’s They have the power to break
the business. Speaking of her partner, most precious friendships are found traditional molds and challenge
Chloe says, “It took a lot of convincing, in her team and crossline. “Each one is limiting belief systems. I am here
but now he is a key member of my amazing and brings something unique to show them how.”
“dōTERRA has changed my
life in more ways than I could
ever express in words. It has
enriched my life with financial
freedom, time freedom, and
incredible relationships.
Saying yes to dōTERRA was
hands down the best decision
I have ever made!’
“Spend time familiarizing yourself with the compensation plan. All the tips for success are there! It’s important to
understand that information before you jump into building.”
“Personalize the individual interactions you have. Whether it is following up after sharing a sample or inviting
someone to an event, allow your intuition to guide you to the best way to start the conversation.”
“Remember your why. There will be good and bad days, but if you hold to your dreams and keep moving forward
with passion, the hard days will pay off tenfold! dōTERRA has a magic way of calling out the very best in you.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on
Images courtesy of Captured Photography and Design