“Our polar opposite skill sets and strengths have
been a complement to the business.” –Daniel
Daniel & Isabel Calkins
Success through the Mess
allowed the business to pick back up
sabel Calkins was already a health It was there that she realized that with helping Isabel with her dōTERRA
coach when she was introduced nothing stood between her and the business and was especially helpful with
to dōTERRA ® . She believed in natural success she saw other dōTERRA the numbers. After they reached Silver
solutions; however, this was the first leaders achieving. Rank advancement and then Gold, he looked at their back
time she saw real results from essential and financial freedom were possible for office and realized they had everything
oils. While she was excited about her, too. She went home and decided in place to go straight to Diamond.
the product, she wasn’t interested to work toward Silver.
the time Isabel was the family’s main
However, due to an outcrop of
Meanwhile, after 25 years as a real challenges with their children, the
estate broker and 18 years as a Calkins family’s final push to Diamond
web-designer, Isabel’s husband, Daniel, took longer than anticipated. Daniel
had developed an interest in network says, “Despite the struggle, we didn’t
marketing opportunities. Up to this quit the business because we had
point, he mostly stayed home with family problems. Everyone has those.
Then, in 2014, interest in dōTERRA the youngest child, who has social Rather than continuing to grow at the
products brought Isabel to convention. challenges. He got right onboard rate we had been, we stayed where we
breadwinner, and her hands were
already full with health coaching, her
career as a flight attendant, and the
Calkins’ four adopted children.
again once we were able to return our
energy and focus to the business.” They
managed to succeed, even through the
in the business side of dōTERRA; at
were at. Thankfully, that maintenance
difficulties and messiness of life.
Isabel is originally from the Philippines
1 OVERCOME OBSTACLES. “Fear blocks anybody from success.
Overcoming that is the number one thing that can take anybody
wherever they want to go in this business. We work to lead people
past those obstacles to a greater vision for themselves. We pinpoint
anything that may be holding them back and bust through those so
they can taste the success. Anyone can do this if they don’t set self-
defeating limitations.” –Daniel
2 DON’T MAKE EXCUSES. “Life is messy and it’s going to get
in the way. It’s easier to say, it’s not a good time to build a dōTERRA
business because you’re dealing with something. Here’s the thing—
even when you have life happening, you still have to go to work.
You still have to show up. You can’t tell your employer you’re going
through something so you can’t make it. We took the same approach.
We still showed up for dōTERRA, even though it wasn’t ideal.” –Isabel
3 BELIEVE IN YOUR MIND. “It’s really about believing. All
too often people get stuck in a rank because they don’t think they
can be Diamond.” –Isabel “We had the Diamond mindset several
months before we officially got the rank. Committing to that mindset
empowered us to get the necessary skills, training, education, and
experience to be Diamond.” –Daniel
and three out of the Calkins’ four
adopted children are also Filipino, so
naturally this family has a deep-rooted
desire to extend their influence for
good to the Philippines. Because of
the freedom and opportunity they
found through dōTERRA, they can see
their dream of doing missionary work
in Filipino orphanages coming true.
Speaking of their business, Isabel says,
“It’s not about the money; it’s about
knowing we can impact more people.
We have a love for people and a
mission that is bigger than ourselves.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on