Healthcare Movement We ’ re excited to be making significant progress in our dōTERRA healthcare movement to help medical providers take an integrative approach to caring for patients . Our flagship clinic in Pleasant Grove , Utah , will open to dōTERRA employees in 2018 , and will later be open to Wellness Advocates and the public . To learn more , check out healthcare . doterra . com .
Online Store Updates Wouldn ’ t you love it if someone enrolling on doterra . com could search for a Wellness Advocate they know ? We are implementing this update in our online systems so new enrollees can easily connect with Wellness Advocates . You can even add a photo of yourself so the enrollee can be sure they ’ ve found the right person ! Plus , you will always receive commission for someone who connects with you on the website .
New International Markets Few things are more exciting than opening new markets to dōTERRA ! We are pleased to open an international market in New Zealand and announce that international markets in Brazil , Ecuador , Guatemala , and Columbia will be opening soon . Watch for doterra . com / US / en / doterrainternational-markets to be updated with information for the new markets . We ’ re also introducing new websites for several international markets , so stay tuned !
New Education Pages To improve your experience on doterra . com and to make it easier than ever to educate yourself and others about dōTERRA products , we are adding new educational pages , videos on product shop pages , and more . We will also be opening our own DIY accessory store .
Convention Recognition The recognition period for convention has changed ! The convention 2018 qualification period is November 1 , 2017 – July 31 , 2018 ..
Upgraded Customer Experience We ’ re excited for Teresa Haws to return to the United States following her successful assignment as the GM of the growing Australia Market . Teresa will be taking on a new role at dōTERRA as the Customer Experience Director . In this position , she will work closely with our Member Services and Account Management Teams to understand the challenges experienced by our customers in ordering and receiving products , and will then work with our Operations and IT Teams to bring lasting changes to enhance the customer experience . doterra . com 39