“I am the bridge that allows people to see
that natural solutions work by providing
education and experience.”
Tyler & Kristin Tigges
Prioritizing Freedom
ristin Tigges enjoyed dōTERRA Kristin’s greatest pieces of advice for new health. He discovered he had a serious
products from the first time she used builders now is to dedicate themselves health condition that he is working
them, but she was reluctant to build a from the beginning. “Just commit, all in, on reversing, and their success in the
business. However, in her job as a chiro- for 1–2 years. Don’t try halfway. Go after dōTERRA business enabled him to quit
practic assistant, she shared the products it and see what happens.” his job and avoid unnecessary stress
as she worked to empower others with
natural health tools. Kristin remembers,
“While I continued to learn more about
my oils, I naturally shared what I was
learning with others. Then they would
enroll with someone else and come back
to me with all of their questions. I realized
this was silly.” Kristin decided to start
enrolling and teaching classes.
The other factor that motivated Kristin to
commit to the dōTERRA opportunity was
when she thought about returning to
her job following maternity leave. She ex-
plains, “My job didn’t have a lot of prom-
ise for progress and paid little more
than what we had to pay for daycare.
I realized I could still do what I loved,
Kristin is grateful that her husband,
Tyler, has supported her throughout
her dōTERRA journey. In fact, he saw the
potential of the business opportunity
before she did. Tyler was recently able
to quit his job and join Kristin in the
dōTERRA business full time, which works
perfectly for each of them to excel in
their strengths. Kristin says, “Tyler has
eight of the nine strategic thinking
strengths from the StrengthsFinder
test in his top ten. Right now he is
focusing on all of the intricacies of
our organization so he can live in his
strengths more. I am the executor and
the people person. We are working to
keep both of us in our zones of genius.”
that could negatively affect his health
journey. As parents, Tyler and Kristin
are also grateful for how this flexibility
in their work allows them to spend time