How have you learned to balance running your
Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Mikalena Knight
“When I see the people
I work with, I don’t see
numbers—they are
human beings yearning
to live their dreams and
create freedom.”
business and taking care of your family?
I didn’t have a great deal of balance early in my dōTERRA
business. I was trying to be a mum to a young child, build a
business with a husband who was away most of the time, and
was working way too many hours. Now I am committed to
balance. I am getting better at the “empowered no”; rather than
working from obligation, I rise into opportunity. I protect our
family from being too busy because I thrive on time with my
husband and six-year-old son, and my family deserves my time.
suffering in that sad place for the two years since I gave birth to
my son. My husband was away most of the time, and I didn’t have
much support because my family didn’t live in the same state. I’m
so grateful to have found the dōTERRA opportunity when I did.
I couldn’t possibly list all the ways this business has changed
my life, but I found a family, I got my husband home, it
helped me rise out of my sadness, and it helped me realize
Some people don’t want to reach Presidential
Diamond because of how hard and stressful it
seems. Why should someone want to reach it?
It doesn’t have to be stressful or hard. That doesn’t mean
it’s going to be easy; however, if you stay connected to the
possibility, you will naturally flow there as long as you don’t
quit. If you set the intention, do the work that fits your lifestyle,
work on yourself, work heart-to-heart with the people you are
bringing on this journey, face challenges with your support
network, and let go of attachment to what it should look like,
you can reach your dreams without the stress of the race.
Presidential Diamond is about so many things, but topping
the list is the power of awareness that you have changed
lives—not just with the oils, but the beautiful journey of
seeing others rise into their light.
Also, I understand how much it is about the money in the
early stages of the business. However, I have realized that at
Presidential Diamond, it is no longer about the money. You
can let go of that fear and focus because the prosperity is life
changing. It’s powerful and humbling to share simply from a
place of passion, purpose, and heart.
What were the biggest hurdles you overcame What advice would you give to someone
on the way to Presidential Diamond? trying to reach Presidential Diamond?
Belief. This has been a standout challenge for me and has
been the foundation of all other issues I have had. I came to Presidential Diamond differently than most people,
and I have different skills than most people in network
marketing, so I had to find my way differently, and that was
through growing myself. Run headlong into self-discovery,
self-development, and leadership development.
When I began sharing dōTERRA products, I had very little going
for me—no business experience, leadership skills, or network,
and little support at home because my husband was away so
much. Combine that with a huge amount of fears, and I didn’t
have much belief in myself. However, I knew I wanted this, so
I faced those fears. I started calling our rank advancements
“soul advancements” because at every step we are elevating
our souls, finding new altitudes of courage, expanding into our
gifts, and rising into the beings we are.
Then inspire that in your team. They all have one mission
and that’s fulfillment, so I will guide each person who desires
to rise through what I have faced along the way. In my
experience, every time someone gets stuck, it’s a limiting belief
that has a hold on them. When you start to inspire people
to dream big and be brave enough to reach for it, then the
business knowledge and strategy will be used well.
Lastly, dreams are realized and true freedom is created.
While you might have to lean into your fears harder than you
ever have, you find more possibilities than you could have
realized. At Presidential, you find a greater level of freedom
than you’ve ever known. my dreams and create new ones. It helped me realize my joy
for helping others dream big and rise into those dreams, and
through that, I found my purpose.
What motivates you to continue building How do you and your spouse work together in the business?
your business at this stage? My husband, Richard, hasn’t been actively involved in the
business; however, since he left the Navy, he has been
amazing supp ort in the home, as well as taking on the
financial side of the business.
I am motivated by helping others achieve the prosperity and
freedom I have achieved. I am inspired by anyone who wants
to share this journey with me. That is what keeps me going
every day, and I thrive on helping others rise.
How has this business changed your life?
In every way possible. Four years ago, I was in a bad place.
I had no money, no friends, and was in a sad place. I had been
It was a dream of mine to have my husband work beside
me, but I realized it might never happen and I don’t need
to have Richard join me in order to succeed. It’s incredibly
empowering to do this on my own, and it’s wonderful to
watch Richard bloom in what he’s passionate about.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on