Marco & Sabrina Petrollini
hen a friend introduced Marco all of the different activities and aspects to share with others who need help in
and Sabrina to dōTERRA of the business.” their daily life. There is no specific tactic
essential oils during a visit to the
United States, they were immediately
interested. Because they already
Marco and Sabrina build the business
as a couple, and their entire family loves
for sharing other than being ourselves
and being kind to those we meet.”
using the products. Their four children Looking back on their dōTERRA journey,
use the oils on a daily basis, and they Marco and Sabrina feel their life has
have even told their parents that they changed in remarkable ways. “Our life
want to become Wellness Advocates has changed for good, and it will con
when they’re older. While they work tinue to be better if we are faithful to the
hard to build their business, Marco and principles we believe. We feel blessed not
Sabrina never neglect their family in favor only on the temporal side—the greatest
of their work. “We believe there is nothing blessing has been to have the privilege to
more important than our family. The meet amazing people who are influencing
about its possibilities. dōTERRA business has helped improve our life for good. Today we have so many
Since the beginning, Marco and our relationships with our children more friends because of what we are
and between us as spouses.” They feel doing with our dōTERRA business.”
used natural products and solutions
in their family, they were intrigued
by how effective the oils were.
Sabrina has always used natural
health solutions, and she soon began
sharing the essential oils with others
to help them with their health. Marco
also recognized the potential of the
business opportunity and was excited
Sabrina have worked together to
build their business. They explain,
“We have complementary strengths,
grateful to have the opportunity to travel
together and spend more time together.
Because of the great changes they
have seen in their own lives, Marco and
and we have learned to take advantage Although Marco and Sabrina haven’t Sabrina are passionate about helping
of our different talents and capacities. worked full time on their dōTERRA others experience the benefits of this
Sabrina is more involved in teaching business, they feel it has become part opportunity as well. Now that they
the benefits of using the products, of their daily life in a powerful way. They have reached Diamond, they are eager
while Marco is more involved in explain, “We don’t do this as a job—we to help their team do the same and
teaching the business overview do this as a lifestyle. We bring the oils experience the success and blessings
and the business opportunity in with us wherever we go. We have them they now enjoy. “It is not easy, but it is
general. We are both involved in with us for our personal use, as well as absolutely possible for each one of us!”
Reserve your seats. “When we
attended the Europe convention in
2016, we saw that the Diamonds
had special seats reserved for them.
Sabrina said, ‘We need to sit in those
seats one day.’ That day, we ‘reserved’
two Diamond seats, and now we’ve
made it. It was the result of simple but
constant actions done on a daily and
weekly basis.”
“If you have a dream, just know that
sometimes life will surprise you, and
what you will live will be even better
than what you have dreamt.”