Mylène Gagnon
Building on
“I see great things for my team, and I know I will never
stop because this is how I realize my dream of helping
hundreds of people realize theirs.”
ylène had been using essential talents and creative energy. I wake up
oils to support her health and each morning with the goal of motivating
her family for some time before her one more person to put his or her talents
friend and now upline, Marie-Kim to work to serve others.” Mylène also
Provencher, introduced her to dōTERRA works to create connections between the
oils and the business opportunity. people she meets to form a team that
Because Mylène had dreamt for uses the talents of each member.
years of being self-employed, she
Mylène built on the talents and strengths
was immediately interested. She
of her team to help her reach Diamond.
soon committed as she saw how her
interest in the oils, her desire to be self-
employed, and her work experience
She explains, “Building to Diamond
wasn’t really my choice—it was done with
my team. When you meet passionate
in customer service and business
people who also want to develop
development could work together.
their businesses and achieve financial
In all that Mylène has experienced independence, you have no choice but to
since then through her dōTERRA work as a team with them for this shared
business, she is grateful to Marie- purpose.” One of the turning points for
Kim. She says, “I sincerely believe Mylène was reaching Silver; she could
that if I had not had the confidence see the dedication of her builders, and
and motivation of my best friend and she wanted to help each of them achieve
upline, I would not be here today. My their own long-term goals.
upline believed in me more than I
“That’s what I did, one step at a time,
one customer at a time, one builder
at a time. When your plan is clear, you
put the actions in step-by-step, and you
quickly realize that you have reached
your goal and it is time to set another.”
Now that she has achieved her goal of
Diamond, Mylène is eager to continue
working toward new goals and helping
To reach Diamond, Mylène applied her her team do the same. She says, “All
talents and strengths on a new level. “I of my frontline leaders want to reach
had to work on my self-confidence as Diamond in the coming months. I share
Because she has seen the power of a leader. I had to decide what kind of my experience and how I got here.
having someone believe in her, Mylène leader I wanted to be for my team, and I Personal development is the key. We
strives to provide the same for her own wanted to be the best I could for them.” all have blocks and constraints that
team. This goes hand-in-hand with her She also feels it is important to create slow us down. When we become aware
Why. “I believe that anyone can make a timeline and action plan to achieve of those and move past them, we can
their dreams come true by using their any goal, such as hitting Diamond. achieve great things.”
believed in myself. This allowed me to
grow and become what she saw in me.”
Work in their strengths Attend events Foster team spirit
“I work with each team member in
their strengths and zone of genius.
Builders can get discouraged
when tasks are too far from their
zone of genius, so I try to highlight
their strengths first and then
work with them in the areas that
challenge them.” “Events are a great source of
motivation for me and my team.
Participating in convention
each year has given me more
confidence in the company,
more product knowledge, and a
motivation boost to share with the
rest of my team.” “Team spirit is one source of my
motivation. That’s why I made it
my mission to get to know each
member of my team. We have
mentoring calls, coffee meetings,
Zoom meetings, and mini boot
camps. It’s important to gather
and work together.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on