Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 32 Ogawa | Page 10

Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond Mikalena Knight ROCKINGHAM , WESTERN AUSTRALIA , AUS

Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond Mikalena Knight ROCKINGHAM , WESTERN AUSTRALIA , AUS

“ When I see the people I work with , I don ’ t see numbers — they are human beings yearning to live their dreams and create freedom .”
What were the biggest hurdles you overcame on the way to Presidential Diamond ?
Belief . This has been a standout challenge for me and has been the foundation of all other issues I have had .
When I began sharing dōTERRA products , I had very little going for me — no business experience , leadership skills , or network , and little support at home because my husband was away so much . Combine that with a huge amount of fears , and I didn ’ t have much belief in myself . However , I knew I wanted this , so I faced those fears . I started calling our rank advancements “ soul advancements ” because at every step we are elevating our souls , finding new altitudes of courage , expanding into our gifts , and rising into the beings we are .
What advice would you give to someone trying to reach Presidential Diamond ?
I came to Presidential Diamond differently than most people , and I have different skills than most people in network marketing , so I had to find my way differently , and that was through growing myself . Run headlong into self-discovery , self-development , and leadership development .
Then inspire that in your team . They all have one mission and that ’ s fulfillment , so I will guide each person who desires to rise through what I have faced along the way . In my experience , every time someone gets stuck , it ’ s a limiting belief that has a hold on them . When you start to inspire people to dream big and be brave enough to reach for it , then the business knowledge and strategy will be used well .