“dōTERRA was the shelter that allowed us to grow
and be able to get out of our difficult circumstances.” –David
David & Ana Chapman
na Chapman saw the dōTERRA
business opportunity clearly
because of a coincidence at a church
activity. A friend found a dōTERRA
packing slip in Ana’s papers and
asked her whether she sold dōTERRA
products. Although Ana had only been
a product user up until then, she said
yes. She recalls, “I felt like I shouldn’t
turn down an opportunity like that. It
was exactly what I needed to define
myself as a Wellness Advocate.” From
that encounter, Ana finally agreed to
host a class taught by her supportive
upline, and the friend who found
her packing slip is now one of Ana’s
qualifying builders.
Ana and her husband, David, feel
that their dōTERRA journey has been
full of these coincidences—or rather,
miracles. A few years ago, Ana was
casually building her business when
David was laid off from his job. That
was just the push they needed to
commit to building with intention.
Ana explains, “That lit the fire under
both of us. David and I traded off
teaching classes and taking care of
the kids. We also participated in
Diamond Club. It was our circum
stances that pushed us to take this
seriously and aim for Diamond.”
While they worked hard to achieve
their goals, David and Ana feel they
also had immense help from their
upline, their team, and God. “When it
gets to the point where we don’t know
how we’re going to make it through,
that’s when God comes in and saves
us.” They’re also grateful to have the
support of their family and friends,
especially "Abuelita" and "Grandma,"
who helped provide childcare so David
and Ana could work on their business.
Although those times were challenging
and they still face difficulties in their
business, Ana and David strive to main
tain a long-term perspective. Ana is
particularly driven by her heritage. She
explains, “My dad escaped El Salvador’s
civil war to come to North America. If he
could do that to improve his family’s life,
then I can kick it up a notch and help
provide the best I can for my family.
There are so many oppor