Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 31 Josh & Season Johnson | Page 78

Next Level Success Tips

Jessica Travis


When Jessica Travis was introduced to dōTERRA essential oils , she was working as a nurse practitioner and didn ’ t have much faith in natural health solutions . However , she decided to try Lavender oil to help her three-year-old daughter . Jessica was surprised to discover that the oil worked , and she decided to start looking into essential oils for her own health issues .

Once Jessica began using essential oils to support her own health , she was impressed by the results she experienced , and she began sharing . She remembers , “ Once I saw the incredible results , the first thing I thought about was helping other people with the same issues I struggled with . I started contacting people and sharing the oils with them , and they had the same results I did . I saw the impact this could have on people .” Although Jessica hadn ’ t intended to start a business with dōTERRA , she and her hus band were encouraged by the checks they received once Jessica started sharing .

AN Inside Job

Jessica ’ s husband , Glenn , has always been supportive of her business . She is grateful for his continual encouragement , and their daughter also helps Jessica with her work . “ My daughter loves coming to classes with me . She helps pass around oils and shares how she likes to use them , and she even holds mini classes with the other kids there while I teach .” While Jessica has many responsibilities between her family and her work , she finds it easier to balance family time and business time with the dōTERRA business than she did with a 9 – 5 job .
In addition to the support of her family , Jessica finds great support in online groups . She says , “ The quality of people who are in dōTERRA leadership is incredible . I ’ ve had so much support along the way . Now that I ’ m a Diamond , I ’ m part of a Diamond group on Facebook . When you ’ re in a group of nothing but Diamond leaders and above , it raises your game to a whole new level .” Jessica has found amazing mentors among other dōTERRA leaders , and she strives to do the same for her own team .
Next Level Success Tips
When asked about her Why , Jessica ’ s family is her top answer . Their family experienced financial strain when Jessica quit working as a nurse practitioner , and with her dōTERRA business , they are now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel . Jessica explains , “ We ’ re almost debt free . I want to help other families experience this same financial freedom . It excites me to think of helping others get out of debt .”
In contrast to her work as a nurse practitioner , Jessica has found immense satisfaction in her dōTERRA business . She explains , “ When I was a nurse practitioner , I was so in my head . It ’ s transformative to work from my heart instead . Before , I tried to help people by rearranging external circumstances . Now I understand that it ’ s an inside job . The oils have helped me understand how things work inside , and you need to work with your body . I can ’ t wait to help other people experience this same transition .” With her heart focused on helping others , Jessica is excited to continue growing with dōTERRA .
Look at the details . “ I had the goal of reaching Diamond from the time I started the business , but it was a vague idea . It wasn ’ t until I hit Gold that I actually sat down and looked at the compensation plan , the earning potential , and what was required to reach Diamond . That helped Diamond feel so much more real , tangible , and achievable .”
Focus on real builders . “ As I planned for Diamond Club , instead of feeling frustrated that the very first people I shared with weren ’ t serious about building , I started to look with gratitude at some of the people they had brought on along the way . I also focused on personal enrollments who weren ’ t on my frontline but were actively engaged . This served to completely reinvigorate me and my team .”
Attract success . “ You don ’ t find builders — you attract them . If you don ’ t feel successful , you won ’ t attract the right people . You don ’ t have to be at a certain rank like Diamond to feel successful . All you need is to know enough to believe in the product and the business . Be committed . Look inside and become a person who feels successful .”
40 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I MARCH / APRIL 2018 Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .