Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 31 Josh & Season Johnson | Page 146


Reagan & Heather Wagoner

“ God wanted to develop and use gifts He had given to me , and He used dōTERRA as a vehicle to do so .”


Heather Wagoner hit Silver rank before she even realized she was “ doing ” the dōTERRA business . She had been impressed with the oils after her first experience with them , but she was averse to the idea of network marketing . She shared the products with others and helped them enroll with their own kits , but her only goal was to get her own product orders paid for . Then Heather began to realize this could be something more . “ The income had been consistent , and it had grown slowly over time . I realized that this could be something my family could not only grow , but also depend on .”

Since she committed to her dōTERRA business , Heather ’ s Why has grown and changed several times . Her original Why was to replace the income she earned as a piano teacher and allow her more time freedom to be with her children after school . Once this was accomplished , Heather wanted to achieve the major rank goals . She explains , “ I wanted to experience every stepping stone along the way in the community that I loved being part of .”
And now that she has reached Diamond , Heather continues to dream bigger . “ Now that those goals have been met , I ’ m quickly realizing what an amazing gift has been entrusted to me — a gift that I can ’ t keep to myself . If I ’ m not passing on the experience and knowledge I ’ ve been given to others , and seeing their success and growth and goals achieved , then I ’ m not satisfied .” Heather is dedicated now to helping others find the same success she has and helping them become more empowered .
As she works to empower others to reach success and freedom , Heather is grateful to have the support and help of her family . Her husband , Reagan , has always been supportive of her efforts in the business , and they work together to ensure that their family and their business are taken care of . Heather explains , “ Whether we ’ re working side-by-side in something or not , we are each other ’ s biggest cheerleaders . It ’ s an amazing gift in the dynamics of our marriage and part of what we believe we were created for : to support each other ’ s dreams and goals .” Their children also love using the oils , and Heather and Reagan are thrilled to see their children able to care for themselves with natural solutions .
While Heather is grateful for the financial and time freedom she has gained through her dōTERRA business , even greater is the personal development she has experienced . She feels that her experiences have helped her become the person she needs to be . A couple of years ago , Heather and Reagan moved their family to begin planting a church in Ohio . She says , “ I quickly and humbly realized that everything I had learned , every way I had struggled and been stretched and grown as a person and a leader , was all leading up to this moment .” The residual income from the dōTERRA business was also a blessing to their family at that time . Heather works to empower everyone she comes in contact with to offer them hope and solutions . From here , she is excited to continue sharing the gift she has been given through dōTERRA .
FIND YOUR MENTOR . “ Attach yourself to an experienced mentor who can guide you through proven business-building habits , and be teachable . If you can ’ t find this mentor in your enroller , don ’ t give up looking for that mentor until you are connected with one . And don ’ t forget your sideline community — they ’ re some of the best partners .”
EXPECT CHALLENGES . “ Expect that it will be simple but that you will work hard . And it will change and grow you , especially mentally and emotionally . It isn ’ t without struggles and frustrations , but it ’ s those experiences that help to grow and stretch you into the person that it ’ s necessary to become if you ’ re going to lead .”
FOCUS ON YOUR MINDSET . “ While it ’ s necessary to grow in sales skills , leadership skills , and developing your ability to use the tools that dōTERRA makes available , don ’ t overlook growing your mindset and beliefs . They can be the most limiting things to deter exponential growth , or they can be the things that skyrocket you to see amazing success .”
74 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I MARCH / APRIL 2018 Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .